Chapters from
Countdown To The Apocalypse
by Rahn Heart
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Chapter 2:
The Nature of Prophecy
Chapter 3:
The Predictions of Ages
Chapter 4:
The Stage is Set
Chapter 5:
The Signs Begin
Chapter 6:
Who is the Real Messiah?
Chapter 7:
The First Warning


After leaving the idealistic world of the American education system, filled with the ‘truth’ about the nature of our universe, I soon came to realize, that the real world did not function like it was suppose to. The answers I was given in school, did not work in the more hostile realm of reality. As I entered the domain of real life, it soon became obvious, that there was a major gap between the theoretical environment of the class room, and the actual state of affairs we live in. Life didn't respond to reason, or the formulas presented on the blackboard. Instead, it was more about power, and needs. I concluded that, it was not intelligence that ruled the world, or provided the measure for success, but it was conviction, coupled with the drive to create, which determined the coarse of history.

It seemed almost ironic, that out of all the classes I took in physics, math, economy, sociology, psychology, and philosophy, the most basic truth was presented in advertising, where I learned that emotions, are the most powerful motivators. However, even though I could see how these desires provided the drive for the wheels of change, I have always had difficulty with the idea, that the majority of our actions are driven by something which has little to do with our ability to reason. I could not accept, that everything we do on earth, is generated only by these 'primal' reactions.

It seemed to me, that even if the greater coarse of events did not respond to any form of mental logic, there had to be some higher purpose, which would determine what coarse of action would prevail. Albert Einstein once stated, that he believed there must be some kind of divine force at work in the universe. He believed, that this creation could not have happened by accident. There must be some form of God who could provide the beauty, and structure which keeps the fabric of this dominion together. If this is true, then a being with the capacity to generate this expanse, would have to supply some kind of higher directive.

The unexpected discovery of a small book in my room, at a construction site in Amchika, Alaska, proved to be the unlikely catalyst for me to begin to seriously question the concepts I was presented, in the standard curriculum of life. This book was a thesis, about what could have caused of the Flood of Noah. The author proposed, that the earth was at one time surrounded by rings, similar to those of Saturn. As the last of these rings were mostly composed of water crystals, when they fell to earth, they created the great deluge associated with Noah's story. Although I do not believe this theory is correct, (it does not explain where all the water went to after the flood) it did stimulate me to begin my own research on what really happened in our ancient past.

For me, the fact that we really didn’t know what caused the Flood of Noah, represented just another piece of a greater wisdom, that humanity had lost somewhere down the line. In the beginning of my search to find the key to this knowledge, I also believed, it was the lack of this information, which created many misconceptions about the evolution of this planet, as well as man's place on it. Since I found present day theories in both science, and religion to be flawed, I decided to concentrate on the writings of our ancestors. Was there something more to the scriptures than what I had been told? Were there other ancient texts which contained a greater truth?

Was there really a time when God spoke directly to man? Have we somehow lost this ability to communicate with Him? How did He appear to Noah to convey all the details of building a ship larger than a football field? How could a ship of this size be built, at a time when archeologists claim that man had barely learned to use fire, and only possessed few crude tools? Was the flood so horrific, that we have blocked the desire to know, or even acknowledge the existence of civilizations which must have existed before it?

Perhaps, with the growth of our analytical view of the world, the magical nature of our relationship to a higher source, has been lost. In the past, man didn’t have all the distractions our technology has brought us. We now find it hard to accept, that miracles could be a daily experience. We have come put more faith in science, and less faith in the divine. This has brought about a fundamental change in our belief structure. In the Gita it says, that our reality is shaped by our beliefs. If you are afraid to see a miracle, or you have been programmed to believe, that there is no such thing, then you will probably never see one. If you find it impossible to accept, that someone can perceive the future, then you will never acknowledge this possibility.

However, our belief structure is far more encompassing, than just how we perceive spiritual events. Everything we do, or say, our physical well being, all are shaped by how we believe things should be. So, when considering why each of us may see things differently, we must consider how our beliefs are developed. I believe the major influences in this regards are family, education, cultural heritage, the broader ramifications of spiritual orientation, and the society we live in. In the exploration of our ancient ancestry, we can not help but be influenced by what is disseminated by the last two factors of this conditioning. In this regards, what is available for public knowledge may not be the truth, but what is considered to be acceptable by those in control of this information.

There is always a fear held by any government, or religious organization, that if the general populous knows too much, there will be anarchy. It seems as though there is always a trade off, between maintaining a certain level of ignorance, in order to sustain social order. Or perhaps, as some believe, a great lie about the true nature of our reality has been perpetrated by a chosen few, and over time we have just come to accept it. Certainly, it can not be denied, that, many governments, and religion organizations have only given information to the masses, which they believe, will not jeopardize their authority.

This resistance, to disseminate ‘vital information’ by governing bodies, is further complicated, by the continual rise, and fall of countless civilizations through history. These cycles include periods of darkness, and light. During the periods of darkness, old traditions, along with the spiritual wisdom’s of ancient cultures, are eliminated. With the rise of each new social order, we find the quest for power motivating this rise, invariably results in a new set of standards being thrust upon the people. History, and religious beliefs are altered, to maintain the power structure of the conquerors. The tendency to identify ourselves by race, language, religion, or culture, fuels the supremacy of the victors, and has tended to distort the knowledge of the true coarse of mans history on earth. Those seeking to broaden their territories, or preserve their status, rarely invite a sharing of knowledge.

For example, with the onslaught of ultraconservative Christianity during the dark ages, our European ancestors acted to take this elimination of history to an extreme. At that time, the clerics made a declaration, which I believe, still affects the current theories about the duration of man’s existence on earth. They denied, that either man, or the universe, even. existed much before the birth of Christ. This conclusion was reached, even though the Old Testament includes Jewish traditions which obviously stretch much further back into time. A side effect of this stance by the church, is a refusal to acknowledge the validity of the legends, or the intelligence of our ancient ancestors.

Thus it is, that we stand in wonder of the temples of the Maya, the Aztec, and the Egyptian, not really sure what it all means. Thanks to the Spanish adventurer’s thirst for gold, the Catholic missionaries imposing their ideology on the peoples of Mexico, and South America, many of their records were destroyed. Those people with the knowledge which would give us the answers concerning their traditions, were killed or converted. I believe that it is out of this process, this continuous rise, and fall of civilizations, the conquests, and the defeats, we have buried our ancient past. Yet, it is these cycles, which have motivated the evolution of our culture.

Most new technologies have been stimulated by war, or the need to survive natural disasters. Virtually every new discovery with regards to man's use of the earth's natural resources, has, come, from the need to make himself more comfortable in a hostile environment, or defend himself from predators. So, this cycle of domination by one race, or another seems to go hand in hand, with man’s mastery of his environment . Each rise, and fall, bringing with it, the need to express a wider range of concepts. New developments, created by the demand to improve, or conquer our surroundings bring with them the need to expand our understanding. From the creation of stone tools, and thatched huts, to glass skyscrapers, and nuclear bombs. As our knowledge grows, so too has our categorization of the physical world.

As knowledge of the physical world increased due to these pursuits, so language changed from spiritual descriptions of relationships in the universe, to absolute expressions of the physical form. Thus, the conquests have not only served to erase our history, but also lessened our ability to translate many of the ancient more spiritually oriented texts. Most interpreters of these writings, have tended to use their current references with regards to the nature of our world, instead of appreciating the mystical implications of the old writings. For example, many translators of the ancient Hindu stories in the Upanishads, have been convinced, that much of this text, made no sense at all.

This could be another reason we have come to believe, that most of the pre-historic stories, are only myths. Few scholars believe, that they are based on actual events. This is in spite of the fact, that time, and again, places such as Troy, which for years was thought to have been a fictitious city in Greek mythology, are uncovered where the legends describe them to be. (for some reason. this is usually accomplished by someone outside of the mainstream scientific community). One has to wonder; if the places are real, what about the descriptions of violent catastrophes which took place in these same ancient stories? Might they also be real?

Could fire, and brimstone have fallen from the sky? Could whole armies be wiped out by great explosions from the heavens? A continent such as Atlantis sink into the ocean? Was the earth really completely flooded by water? How was the world plunged into total darkness at the end of a world age? What could cause the complete destruction of the earth's surface by fire, water, or wind? How about, the oceans rising up like mountains of water, or Mt. Sinai being lifted up, shaken, then set back down, giant waves that reached to the sky, or dragons coming out of the heavens, to devour part of the earth. What vivid imaginations our ancestors had. None of these things could actually have happened. Right?

Many of these stories of mass destruction, permeate the major religious texts in use today. In addition to being found in the Bible, Koran, Upanishads, Mayan and Egyptian texts, you will find the same things in the 'folklore' of more 'primitive' cultures throughout the world. Since these texts filled with religious mysticism as well, they do not express things in a way our physically oriented sciences of today, can identify with. Thus, they are not looked upon as a source of inspiration for further research by mainstream science. Still, if for no other reason than the shear volume of these stories, it seems to me, that they should be explored more deeply for clues as to what can happen on planet earth.

As we embark on exploring the possibility, that these legends are describing actual events, we must understand, that in addition to the problem of translating an ancient language to a modern one, we must also allow for the predilections of the story teller. I am certain, that in times past, there were as many different perceptions of reality as there are today. Just as, there are many different churches which preach the same religion, but with different disciplines. I believe, this is no different, than the various disciplines of science, looking at the same event, and coming to different conclusions.

In order to avoid the secular prejudice of any discussion about our capacity to understand the nature of God, let me use the example of how many people, can comprehend the full ramifications of the Theory of Relativity? This is the most encompassing scientific formula, which explains the nature of our universe, but I think you would agree, there are not be very many people who can appreciate what it means. While there are some aspects of it, that most people could understand, there are several implications of this formula which have not even been proven. For example, the explanation of E=MC2 you will find in a high school text book, would not include
those aspects of the formula used in the laboratory tests at Livermore. This graduation of explanations, is applicable to every walk of our life, social, political, scientific, and religious.

Thus it is that not all of the details of our past may be available to the casual on looker. For those who should dig deeper into our past there is yet another problem to deal with. Some explanations in the ancient texts appear to be quite literal in their descriptions. However, some of these stories are too fantastic to be believed. Such would be the case for legends in Chinese lore, which describes a wave that reaches the sky and washes over all of China. Or, an ancient Babylonian army being wiped out by a huge explosion. In other cases events are described as a conflict between the Gods. Or, they may use symbolic representations found in common natural phenomena, to explain the cause and effects of larger events. Such would be the case in Mayan legends, which speak of a giant dragon coming out of the sky, to devour a part of the earth.

Many times I believe that the use of what we consider to be mystical representations, relay a deeper understanding of the forces at work in our world, than we give our ancestors credit for. For instance, we might consider how someone in ancient times would express the E=MC2 formula. Believe it or not, I am certain that there were individuals in those times, who understood the concepts of this expression. However, they explained it in terms suitable to the language, and perceptions of those days. Sometimes I have found, that these ancient expressions, if viewed properly, are far more compelling than the means by which they are explained today.

It is not hard to lose track of the fact, that it was only 400 years ago, the pioneers of our present day sciences, determined the earth. to be round instead of flat. Even more traumatic for the religions of the day, was the revelation that the earth was not the center of the universe, but rotated around the sun. It may be no coincidence, that a number of major scientific discoveries were taking place during, the period of the Inquisition. The Church has always had a hard time adjusting to man's increasing knowledge of the physical world. Their initial reaction, was to squash the free thinking of these scientific heretics, as it had also condemned the climatic stories our 'primitive’, ‘heathen', forebears, because of their 'pagan' beliefs. Still it may be, in their effort to keep the lid on these new ideas, which fostered their further development. Just as more alcohol was consumed during Prohibition, than either before, or after this law was past.

Fortunately, the efforts of the conservative religious, and governmental hierarchies to suppress the emergence of the new science, eventually failed. In the west, the result of this conflict between research, and dogmas, came to be a separation of the church, state, and the research of physical laws. Still, I do not believe that science, even today, has fully escaped the pressures of the conservative elements of Orthodox beliefs. This is most dramatically evident, in the studies of archeology, ancient history, geological, and astrophysical-time lines.

Since scientists began their studies of the antiquity of the earth, and life on this planet, they have slowly been extending its age as well as the duration of man's existence on it. The creation of the universe has also been pushed further, and further, into the past. One cannot help but wonder, if the initial calculations for the existence of man, and his world, were influenced greatly by the views of the Church. Perhaps we are still only inching outwards from the proposals of this organization, in order not to conflict with many who still hold to the belief, that the earth, man, and the universe, were created by God in just the last few thousand years.

It is only lately, that are we beginning to come in line with what was presented by many ancient cultures such as Hindu, or Egyptian, where there is mention of great periods of time, which included millions, or even billions of years. It is almost ironic, that it is out of those societies who have endorsed the relatively new Christian religion, that modern science has emerged. Perhaps this was the only way the truth could be presented against an ultraconservative belief.

In recent years however, this Church has found itself in a new position, with regards to its scientific adversary. More, and more, of Biblical history is being proven to be based in fact. Documented natural disasters are being associated with some of the miracles, or Biblical descriptions about catastrophic events. But, it may be the potential reality of the predicted end-times, which will be the greatest test for the Church Fathers. This final chastisement, has always been out there, hanging over our heads, yet never seems to come. Over time these predictions about a hell on earth, have been used as an instrument of power by some traditions, to manipulate the faithful. As such, I believe, that within the church, it is the threat which is accepted, but the reality of it actually happening, is not.

As long as this is so, the Church can provide an easy answer to the seekers; pray, do penitence, purify ones self, donate, and seek God. With all of these practices, you may see The Savior in the end times, or you may even be one of those fortunate ones to be lifted up to heaven during the Rapture. But now, we are awakening to the realization, that the earth could very well experience a major catastrophic event, which would aptly fit the end time predictions. The effects of a comet impact with this planet, would produce destruction on a scale beyond anything modern man has witnessed; a certain hell on earth. If this event should come to pass, then the Church will be confronted with the reality of its predictions. How will they react? Perhaps we can take a lesson from how the Jewish forefathers reacted, when their prophecies were fulfilled about a Messiah 2000 years ago .

Regardless of the religious ramifications, the question still remains, how and when will this take place? In the last two decades, scientists have began to confirm, that the earth is not the peaceful sanctuary it was once believed to be. The old ideas about our planet being a place where geologic changes took millions of years, has begun to erode. A new theory about our plants history is now emerging. This recent thinking embraces the notion, that at least some of the major features of the earth's surface, were created in a very short period of time. Even more ominous, is the understanding, that the cause of these events, is a part of an on going process.

The concept of major changes taking place in just 1 to 100 years, is still being digested by those sciences who are used to thinking in terms of 100's of millions of years. As research continues along these lines, we are seeing the time between episodes of these kinds of events, dropping from millions of years, to thousands. At the same time, we are seeing man's presence on earth stretch from 50,000 years to 2.5 million. The culmination of these discoveries, must at some point result in a dismissal of the notion, that man has not witnessed a host of these major cataclysmic episodes during his time on earth. With this realization, we must therefore conclude that at least some of the things described in the ancient texts, were accounts of these earth changing events.

Indeed, what we may be headed for, is one of these monumental occurrences, which has changed the coarse of life on the planet. While these cataclysms are certainly nothing anyone in his right mind would look forward to, it may very well be, that out of the ashes of these events comes the geneses of our evolution. Current scientific theory agrees with this premise, in addition to the notion, that this process has not ended. What has been recorded by our ancestors, and is being predicted for the future, has happened before, and will happen again.

We might also be aware, that there are more than one kind of large magnitude event which can drastically effect life on earth. To date, the list of these most horrific catastrophes, is a rather short one. They include; solar eruptions, or changes in solar output, changes in sea levels, a caldera eruption, a reversal of the earth’s magnetic poles, the impact of an asteroid, or comet, in excess of 1/2 mile in diameter, and the earth flipping over. While in the past, each of these natural disasters were looked upon as being independent, the latest information indicates, that they may all be related. In other words, most of these phenomena will either be the results of, or triggered by, one or more, of the others.

Although, several theories have been put forth as to what perpetrates them, since none of these things have occurred during the brief existence of modern science, the exact causes, and effects are still unknown. However, all of these occurrences except for the last one, have been firmly established as having happened many times over the earth's history. The major difficulty with the supposition, that the earth has flipped over, is only un-established due to a lack of an accepted mechanism to cause this to happen. This is in spite of the fact, that it is accepted, Venus is rotating in retrograde, because it flipped over as a result of an impact of a large asteroid, or comet.

Obviously, the earth's collision with a comet, or asteroid, would result in a tremendous amount of devastation around the world. This would be in addition to, the massive destruction which would occur in the immediate area of the impact site. While the scenario of this event is fairly well understood, there is evidence of additional mechanisms within the earth, and /or its interaction with solar changes, which could cause other climatic situations for our planet. Unfortunately, as of yet, these processes are not fully understood. However, there is enough scientific information, about the effects of those events on the 'most horrific list', to compare them with the destructions talked about in the ancient legends. Upon doing this one finds a number of striking similarities.

For instance, many of the legends, include descriptions of events, which match what our scientists believe will occur with the impact of an asteroid, or, the explosion of a meteor, over the earth. If this is so, and we can take the jump to acknowledging the possibility, that the legends may be describing actual events, we are then brought face to face with another dilemma. Either the accepted time line for the duration of ancient cultures is way too short, or these cataclysms happen much more frequently than what we now believe. It is my personal belief, that both the time line for intelligent man must be extended further back into history, and these cataclysms have occurred within that period. This would mean, that these things do occur more frequently than we want to accept.

Perhaps, if science is allowed to continue its coarse throughout the next century, we will come to understand the, mechanisms, and the real frequency of these major earth changing events. We may even be able to predict when they will occur. As of now however, this is not possible. So, we are left in a precarious situation. It is certain, that any one of the events on the most horrific list, could happen again at any time. The potential result of any of these occurrences, would certainly include the death of millions, if not billions, of people. At the same time, we do not as yet have any way of knowing exactly when they will happen. Or do we?

When I first started my research on the prophecies in the mid 70's, I found that I lacked the background, and the data, to come to any valid conclusions about how, and if, there was a real possibility of a future global catastrophe. In fact, I abandoned my study on the subject until recently, with the idea, that a time of world cleansing, as talked about by the prophets, was probably a long ways off. At the same time however, I was struck by one of the Nostradamus predictions, which said, something would happen, when a manned space station was orbiting the earth.

Even though there, was talk of plans for such a space station in the late 60's, the reality of it was still hypothetical. Although we had put a man on the moon, the destiny of our space program was up in the air. As The International Space Station is now under construction, with a completion date scheduled for the year 2005, and it is at an orbit height, at exactly where Nostradamus predicted, even the, most skeptical questioners of prophecy, would have to be at least somewhat impressed. This is especially so, in light of the fact that in the mid 1550's, when Nostradamus noted this vision, the world was still considered to be flat, and human flight would be entertained as no more than the dream of a crazy man.

Perhaps it was this prophecy, Y2K, the coming of the Millennium, or all of it together, that motivated me to begin looking into the prophecies again. In the beginning phase of recollecting my records, I still had reservations about any possibility of a world cataclysm in the near future. However, to my amazement, a tremendous amount of new scientific information has become available, which seems to confirm many of the predictions. In addition, since the 1980's, there has been a great increase in the number of people experiencing prophetic visions about the ‘end times’. These included a host of apparitions seen of Our Lady the Virgin Mary, and Jesus, all conveying similar messages. More information has come from my own vision experiences as well, which has given me additional insight into how to interpret these visions, as well as the meaning of the readings of the prophets.

Unfortunately, as with all paranormal 'powers', there is not as yet, the physical ability to measure it. Therefore, we have no scientific proof as to the reality of it, or how it is accomplished. To complicate things even more, it seems that for every accurate prediction, there are a thousand others, which are not. With these problems in mind, I decided to proceed with my investigation, by first seeking to have my own personal experience with prophecy. I believe, it is only in this manner one can achieve a proper understanding of this phenomena. This not only applies to the ability to segregate those who are true prophets from those who are not, but to be able to correctly interpret what those who may truly know the future, are attempting to convey.

It is on this basis, I have chosen to use those 'seers' who are obviously in touch with the highest source of this creation, as I have come to perceive it. Of these, the, most compelling, are the visions of the Virgin Mary, and Jesus. There has been no greater spectacle, I am aware of, than those where Our Lady has simultaneously given a vision to tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people. Nothing, but one who is an aspect of the most powerful of beings, could do this. If for no other reason than this, I would submit, that the messages given along with these miraculous apparitions, must have some basis in validity.

Two 'seers' less spectacular, but who have demonstrated a high degree of accuracy, and attunement, are Edgar Cayce, and Nostradamus. Where other prophets such as Paul Solomon, have matched information recorded from one of these three sources, I have included their predictions as well. Where all of the predictions match up with scientific evidence about a potential natural phenomenon, I believe serious consideration should be given to what has been predicted.

While there are no prophets who have been documented as 100% accurate, it must be acknowledged, that many of the prophecies are difficult if not impossible to verify. This is mostly due to either the nature in which the prophecies are expressed, or because, they are about a situation which few will ever know about. Thus, it is not my intention here, to validate the accuracy of these prophets. I believe this has already been established as well as it can be. Instead, I think it is much more important, to dig deeper into the understanding of the nature of prophecy. This is done with the hope of demonstrating how, and why prophecy can be a valid expression of the future.

In order to do this, I believe we need, to follow a logical course of inquiry. First, we need to understand how, and why it is possible to predict the future. Is the future really carved in stone or can it be changed? How is the future created? What does a vision really look like? Why can a prophecy be vague because the listener doesn't really want to hear it, or may be expecting to hear something else? It is my belief, that as one pursues the answers to these questions, they will not only come to appreciate that prophecy can be real, but will come to understand the mystical nature, of this window to the future.

Next we need to identify what it is that we are looking for. That is; we need to isolate those predictions which address a particular event. Without this direction, it is easy to get distracted in the mire of predictions which are out there. The need for this is exemplified by the writings of Nostradamus. Out of the over 900 quatrains in his Centuries writings, I have found only 30 or so, which I believe clearly refer to great cataclysmic events. Even then, in some of these, he will write about someone getting pricked by a rusty spring, right along with a major global disaster.

Thus, I have defined what I am searching for, as those prophecies which are most obviously about the end of a world age. Through the coarse of using this criteria in assessing the meanings of the predictions, I soon came to question whether many of the prophecies commonly accepted as being about the end times, are really valid in this regards. For instance, if the calamities described in a prediction, are not clearly stated to be global in nature, or cannot be specifically related to a sequence of events leading up to the end of an age, then we have to question the relevance of the prophecy.

Another dilemma is that many times, dates are not given with the predictions. However, I believe it is still possible, to put things in order by using a bit of common sense. For example, if the battle of Armageddon is to end with a great cataclysm, then we know there will probably be no fighting after that time, but there could obviously be a major war before it. If this event is to end a world age, then it will probably be similar to past world age ending cataclysms. If an earthquake is predicted for Los Angeles, it could only happen before California is predicted to sink into the ocean, and so forth.

I believe the value of the ancient stories, and legends comes into play, as an additional source for understanding the sequence of events leading up to the cataclysmic end of a world age. As our ancestors may be the only ones to have actually witnessed the kind of thing we are looking for from the predictions, it is from this source, that at least some basic criteria can be found for what is involved in an age ending event. Even if the causes of the previous end times were not exactly the same as what the future may hold, the results may very well be. Those descriptions included periods of total darkness, a reorientation of the earth on its axis, and/or its orbit around the sun, massive disturbances by fire, wind, water, flying debris, along with land sinking, or rising out of the oceans.

All of these things are talked about both in the ancient stories and the future predications. The only thing we have to appreciate about these sources, is sorting out what was happening in various parts of the world as it would relate to a single global catastrophe. The challenge is to decipher these descriptions out of the mystical meanings which are most times associated with both the legends, and the prophecies. In order to establish additional validity to these things happening in the past, or in the future, we must compare what is given by these sources, to what we know from recent scientific investigation. Because scientific explanations are usually expressed in absolute terms, and are limited to information collected in just the last two centuries, we need to appreciate, that some of the scientific validations are only theories of causes, and effects.

Upon comparing, and assembling all of this information, I think you will come to realize, that if nothing else, we are truly in danger from the likelihood of one, if not more apocalyptic events in the future. Virtually all of the things mentioned in the most horrific list, are founded upon scientific knowledge, with most having occurred many times before, over the coarse of the earth's history. We are now just beginning to accept, that they will also continue to happen for a long time to come. They are indeed, a natural part of this planets make up, and its position in the universe.

The final dilemma is the nature of man’s psyche when faced with the possibility of mass destruction. Our reaction to this kind of information, greatly effects how it is conveyed, and what is learned from it. Certainly, it is understandable, that no normal human being would actually want to hear about calamities, which are foretold to be coming their way. It is only natural, that we would want to preserve a degree of safety in our environment. It may be for this reason, that we have tended to ‘block’ the complete story of similar events, which have happened in the past. If man has indeed experienced global disasters, they were undoubtedly so horrendous, that the true scope of them has been suppressed. Both the degree of the destruction, as well as the nature of its source, is something most people do not want to deal with. I believe it is possible, that this phobia is one of the reasons for what has prevailed concerning the history of our ancestors.

At the same time, it would appear, that we have finally arrived in a time of environmental awareness, where we can recognize, that these cycles of destruction are not just acts of the gods, which we are helpless to over come. Instead, I hope it can be accepted, that the prophecies, the ancient stories, and our scientific studies, are meant to help us prepare for these eventualities. In the early days of atomic age, there were attempts to prepare for nuclear war. These included school drills, bomb shelters, instructions for where to be in your home, the type of food to stock up on, etc. As the nuclear arsenals built up however, the hopes of surviving such a war slowly faded away.

Personally, I am not one of those who believes we should give up, in the face of something many people feel is beyond our control to do anything about. Nor, do I accept the notion, that we are helpless, even in the face of any of the predicted global catastrophes. Our ancestors survived them before, and we will do so again. I also believe, we have the ability to do something to help ourselves to this end. I believe it is essential, that we begin to alter our view of the planet to prepare for these eventualities. The greatest sin would be, not to use what resources we have to do so.

Let me close be saying, that I do not relish the idea of being a preacher of doom. It would be to my great satisfaction, if everything I am presenting here, turned out to be totally wrong. Regardless if any of what I am presenting should come to pass or not, it would be my greatest hope, that this writing would encourage you to seek your own answers. Never accept anything as the absolute truth, regardless of the source. Never accept, that you must take anything on 'blind faith'. This kind of faith is just as it says - 'blind'. There is only one kind of 'true faith', and it is about an unquestionable sense of knowing. It can only be gained by those with the strongest desire not to be 'blind', but to 'see'. This 'sight' only comes through your own seeking of the truth.

I believe , it is our quest for knowledge, and the wisdom to use it, which justifies our being here. Our growth, and our evolution depend on it. The answers are out there, even though each of us may perceive them differently.

May the Gods be with you.

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