The Signs Begin
by Rahn Heart


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If you haven’t gathered by now, I will now clearly admit, that the most compelling evidence to convince me, that we are indeed close to an apocalyptic event, are those prophecies which present these times as the end of a world age. I have never been able to buy into the notion, that a final Judgment Day was at hand, which would essentially mean the end of mankind. Nor, that if there is a day of reckoning, it would be unique to our time. I find it much easier to accept, that the earth is subject to periodic catastrophic events. These are global natural disasters, our ancestors attributed to the end of an age. It was due to their inability to discern what was really happening, that religious references were used to describe the event.

This does not mean, that I do not believe in God, or the existence of divine beings. I believe there is a divine influence in the creation of the universe. I believe this creation brought with it, inherent interactions in the physical world. I believe the physical can be manipulated by higher souls who have a great amount of power. However, even these beings must work within the boundaries which keep the physical form in tact. If they did not, the whole thing could collapse. This would defeat the purpose of it’s existence.

There are certain inevitability’s in the universe. While they can be delayed, to put them off indefinitely, would result in greater damage than to let them happen. I believe there are times when the greater souls will use these eventualities to provide a teaching. An example of this principle are the many debacles caused by the good intentions of the environmentalists. Using the threat of an endangered species, these people have seen fit to create areas where the land is to be left untouched by man. Ironically, because the Forest Service was not allowed to clear dead under brush, nature saw fit to burn many of these places to the ground. The habitat was lost, and so was the threaten species.

On every level of nature , this process of cleansing, and renewal takes place. It cannot be avoided. Perhaps someday, man will develop the intelligence to manage it. In the meantime, I believe it is going to be managed for us. Indeed, it is these forces, on a global scale, which we are going to be facing in the future. It is this never ending cycle, which I believe both Nostradamus, and Edgar Cayce are addressing in the previous predictions. We will see them talk about this situation in the same manner as we continue.

So far, we should have realized, that there have been many age ending events. According to Nostradamus, what happens around each of these periods is relatively the same. Even a cursory look at what has been going on in the world over the last generation, should reveal the similarities between what has been predicted about the end times, and the conditions in which we currently live.

A great influx of humanity in the world. Tremendous growth in technology. A population mesmerized with the pursuit of wealth. The arrival of souls from past civilizations. A rise in stature of dark skinned peoples, after world domination by the lighter skinned races. Affluence in the Orient. Conflicts within the orthodox religions. Changes in weather patterns, which effect the growing seasons. Breaking up power cliques in American. Improving conditions in India. As Nostradamus says, all of these things will proceed the approach of the ‘seventh rock’, which must have something to do with the ‘end of a period, in the great cycles of renewal’.

It is Cayce however, who I believe most clearly states, that we are now in a transition period before the end of a great age. In his readings, we are given what to look for in three distinct time frames of this evolution of ages. The first period is from 1917 to 1958. During this time we can look for the development of all of the conditions I just mentioned. From the years 1958 to 1998, there will be physical changes, which are what this chapter is about. Within these 40 years before ‘98, we will see the subtle effects of one of the primary causes of the greater changes to come.

Besides being the ending year of the second phase of the transition, 1998 is to be a pivotal year in several other ways. We are to finally understand what Cayce is talking about, the records are to be found under the Sphinx, and the prophecies of the Semitic peoples will begin to take place. This would have to mean, that those forces will begin to manifest, which will shape the circumstances leading up to the battle of Armageddon. From this year, to a year which I am yet to confirm, the greater earth changes are to occur.

So, now let’s take a closer look at those things Cayce, and others predicted for the second transition phase.

Early Earth Changes
Edgar Cayce, Reading 3976-15 1/19/34

8. ... There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the Torrid areas, and there will be shifting then of the poles - so that where there has been those of frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow. And these will begin in those periods in ‘58 to ‘98, when these will be proclaimed as the periods when His light will be seen again in the clouds. As to times, as to seasons, as to places, ALONE is it given to those who have named the name - and who bear the mark of those of His calling and His election in their bodies. To them it shall be given.

You will notice, that this reading is another portion of the reading I explored earlier concerning social changes, which manifested after the 1930’s. As these changes are on going from that time, I included them in the topic of the general state of affairs. This portion of the reading clearly notes that certain conditions will become apparent specifically during the period between ‘58 and 98’. These include the breakups in the arctic areas, which Cayce associates with increased volcanic activity

Before continuing into my analysis of this reading, I believe it would be of value to go into clarifying some more misconceptions, which have plagued the Cayce predictions. Even if we establish a more likely date for the pole shift to occur, other than the one originally accepted, there is still some difficulty in discerning the sequence of the changes. Here again, our only recourse is to determine the progression of events by deductive reasoning. I still maintain that this will not have to result in totally abstract conclusions.

For instance, in this reading, I believe Cayce sets out in a chronological order several key things which are to happen. Upheavals in the arctic, leading to volcanic activity in the torrid areas, the pole shift, followed by drastic changes in climate. As we will see further on, this is not just the sequential order of events, but all of these changes are interrelated. So, we can use this information not only as a guide to reference events in other readings, but to relate to our discovery of the source of these changes. If we hold to this order of things, then Mr. Cayce’s statement, that these changes will begin in the period between ‘58 and 98’, must mean, that this is when we will see the disturbances in the polar regions, along with some increased volcanic activities in the tropics. As the pole shift has not occurred as of 1998, then we can look forward to this event to occur sometime after the millennium with a resulting change in climates around the world.

As of 1999, a strong case can be made for the fulfillment of Mr. Cayce’s prediction about arctic upheavals, and increased volcanic activity. Unfortunately, it was not until the 1990’s, that a serious study of the glacial ice in the polar regions of the planet was initiated. It was not until the year 1995 that a norm was established from which measurements of the depth of polar ice could be set. In 1999, it was determined that 15% of this ice had disappeared over the previous 5 years. It is not known if this process was happening as of 1958, but it is very possible.

Along with this information, it has been determined in other studies, that ocean levels are rising at a rate of 2 mms. per year. Again however, we don’t really know how long this has been going on (1958?). The most obvious threat of melting ice, and rising sea levels, is the flooding of low lying coastal areas. However, this may be a minor consequence compared to new scientific theories, which can be directly related to what this reading tells us. It is now believed by some geophysicists, that the shift of weight from ice in the polar areas, to water in the oceans, will place additional pressure on the oceanic tectonic plates. If this shift continues, there will be increased volcanic activity, as well as increased earthquakes.

While some scientists affirm a general increase in both volcanic, and other geophysical activity in the last few years, this has been difficult to verify. This is mainly due to the lack of adequate records which go back far enough to project a trend. The ever more sensitive equipment which is used to measure this phenomena also contributes to the question of frequency. With ability to measure more events, the question arises as to whether these things were there all along, and we just didn’t know it, or if what is being seen now, is something new.

On the other hand the proof of the validity of the water weight theory could be sitting in our own back yard. With the building of Hoover dam, the largest man made lake in America was created - Lake Mead. It is accepted scientific fact that the weight of the water of this massive lake did indeed cause a deflection in the earth’s crust. As the lake filled to its present level numerous earthquakes were detected in the area of the dam as the crust adjusted to this new formation. This is particularly ominous as you look at the size of this lake to the whole of the US. If something of this relative size could cause a shift in the crust, this should at least tell us the the thickness and stability of the land we live on is not as solid as we would like to believe.

>From my own research, I believe there are two or three examples in the area of volcanic activity which verify Cayce’s reading. The most poignant of these is Mt. Kilauea in Hawaii. In 1983, this volcano began to continuously eject a stream of lava. It has not stopped doing so, through 1999. Both the duration, and nature of this activity is unprecedented in the recorded history of this formation. I believe it is entirely possible, that the additional weight of water on the Pacific Plate, caused by the melting ice caps, is forcing this plate down, resulting in this eruption.

Another example is Mt. Etna, in Sicily. In tracking the eruption cycle of this mountain over the last few hundred years, it becomes obvious, that the cycle has become shorter, and shorter. Starting from frequency of every 100 years to so, it then moved to every 50 years. At present, it is erupting every 5 to 10 years. As we will see in other predictions, a violent earthquake is suppose to occur in Sicily, which will be the sign of the greater earth shifts to come.

The changes in Sicily, Mt. St. Helens, eruptions in the Philippines, Mexico, Indonesia, to name a few, are all examples of the second part of the new scientific theories. As the weight in the oceans continues to increase, more pressure will be placed on the continental shelves. This will eventually result in the fracturing of the continental plates. If this theory holds true it will would verify Mr. Cayce’s predictions about the greater earth changes which are to occur around the time of the pole shift. Thus it is most likely that the changing water weight in the Mediterranean will be the cause of the earth movements in the areas around this body of water.

Indeed, it may be that many of the predictions about changes in land elevations around the world, will be related to this phenomena. Although I have seen no scientific information in this regards, it seems to me, that if the ice is melting at the poles, thus causing more weight to be shifted to the oceans, then the reverse must be true in the arctic regions. As the weight becomes lighter on the plates at the poles, then as the plates towards the center of the earth are depressed, the plates at the poles will be uplifted. This could be what he means by ‘upheavals’.

If all of this is true, then we can expect the earth to go through some kind of adjustment, to re-establish a deformation equilibrium. The results of this ‘adjustment’ would most likely be some major shifts in the earth’s crust. This may, or may not lead to the pole shift Cayce talks about, however, as I will explore more deeply in later chapters, there are actually two pole shifts which are possible. Both of them will probably effect climatic changes, as well as geologic changes. In either case, these are expected to occur after 1998.

>From what I have relayed here, I think it should be obvious, that there is at least some valid foundation for greater geologic changes to come. If nothing else, at least now, we have some idea about how, and why Mr. Cayce’s predictions about earth changes will happen. However, as you can see by my examples, the evidence for the acceleration of these changes, which we were to see in the period between ‘58 and 98’, are still rather subtle. It is this subtlety which has caused much consternation about whether the predictions are coming true or not.

If all of the volcano’s near the equator, would have gone off at one time, it would be easy to say that yes, this must be the sign Cayce was talking about. The continuous eruption of Mt. Kilauea, doesn’t come across as much of a confirmation for this reading. But as it appears to me, this may be the kind of thing we have to look for as early ‘signs’ from the prophecies. Perhaps from the higher perspective of the ‘source’, these small changes in the earth’s outer shell are more obvious. Certainly, from that vantage point, the information would be available to see how these changes are a part of a greater process. Unfortunately, for the common man, and even the common scientist, these relatively minor events are not so revealing. The common man has not yet been affected by them. The scientist never expected (and still doesn’t) these things to happen, so he hasn’t been monitoring the changes which would tell him of trends which could lead to the greater changes.

The last portion of this reading brings up another issue, which needs to be addressed. This has to do with the spiritual nature of what is to come. In order to get a clear picture of what is being said in the prophecies, it seems to me, that we have to separate what is being predicted, into the three different aspects. First, is the most intimidating, longest standing part of what has been predicted to happen at the end of this age. The return of Jesus Christ. While I believe this return may indeed be a part of the story, it has created a lot of confusion in relation to predictions about other souls who are to be here before, and after Armageddon.
Thus, I do not believe, that every great soul referenced in the prophecies is Jesus. I am certain, that other very powerful beings will appear both before, and after the final cataclysm. While these souls are not Jesus, many are a part of the Christ consciousness. They have been, and will continue to be, major players in the coarse of the earth’s history. They will return at this time to assist in the survival of life on this planet. The third aspect of what is to come, is the physical - geological changes.

In many of the prophecies, we will see these three parts are intertwined, which in a higher sense, is unquestionable so. However the problem comes, where the coarse of the spiritual events, overlap, or are discussed simultaneously with, the physical events. This is another reason why I believe it is important to comprehend, that all of this is a part of the end of a world age. There are many things going on during these times, both on a spiritual, and a physical level. Each will have their own source of cause, and effect, the understanding of which, is the only way to gain a clear picture of what is to come.

I should also mention, that I do not believe, there will be an Anti-Christ during these times. There will be one, or two figures who will probably be called such, but none will actually be so in the real sense of it. I believe there will be zealots from virtually every religious belief, who will come forth in the next few years. In every case, their causes will be just, as they see it, and verified by their spiritual texts. In some of these beliefs it is said, that to die in a righteous war is an open door to heaven. Thus it will be in the coming war. Who then is on the right side? Perhaps the answer is, that everything which is to come, no matter how atrocious it seems to be, is necessary for the survival of humanity. Is it then inspired by Satan or....?

With this in mind, let’s look at last part of this reading where Mr. Cayce includes a poignant note about the years ‘‘58 to ‘98, when these will be proclaimed as the periods when His light will be seen again in the clouds’. This light will only be seen by those who ‘bear the mark’ of His calling, who have ‘named the name’, and/or who have elected to have Him ‘in their bodies. It is to these souls only, that this sign ‘shall be given’.

One might think, that due to the auspicious nature of this prediction, at least someone would report publicly, of seeing a divine light appearing in the clouds. While I have heard of many stories where people have seen miraculous happenings while messages are being received from the Virgin Mary, none I am aware of, include seeing His light in the clouds. The reports I have heard include; the sun dancing about in the sky, with strange colors around it, rose peddles falling from no apparent source, the smell of roses where there are none, and the apparition of Mary or Jesus. Thus, from what I can find, what Cayce means here, is inconclusive.

There is also the question of what he means by; ‘bear the mark’. The only Biblical reference about marks associated with the end times, are those which are suppose to be put on the people by the ‘beast’. By naming the name, one would assume this to be the name of God, or Jesus Christ. Making the election of allowing God into ones body, is the traditional manner by which one comes to be reborn into the divine, or Self realized. As one comes to the point in their life, where they make this election, most will experience visions, and miracles. This is usually common. But, what does this all mean to the average person, if anything? Is the reason we have not heard about it, because only a very very few have seen it? Are the rest of us out of luck?

To See God In The Sky
A Personal Experience
I am afraid, I have no real answer to the previous questions. My only thought is, that perhaps, it is meant to be a personal experience. Perhaps we have each seen it in a different way. Although I have seen things in the clouds, I am not sure if I would call it ‘His light in the clouds’. Very early in my spiritual awakening with Kumar, it became apparent to me, that what was happening in the atmosphere, had something to do with my relationship to the divine.

Most times, when I would ask for a confirmation of the presence of God. or my Guru, I would look up to see a rainbow. Sometimes this would not be in the normal form one sees it, as arching over the land, instead it would be isolated in the clouds. It would look to me like God was smiling there. Sometimes when this would happen, the clouds would also part in a way to cause the sunlight to stream through, as a ray of divine light piercing the darkness.

While several people have confided to me, that they have also seen clouds form or part, upon a request to a higher presence, I still have to wonder, if this is the type of effect Mr. Cayce was talking about. Although I have invited the divine to live within me, and I have named several names of that form, I bear no special marks, I am aware of. If it were not for the qualifications he talks about, I am would be prone to believe, that he may be talking about a sign Our Lady in Fatima foretold. She said there would be an unknown light in the night sky. This is to be our final warning. As of 1999, this sign has not happened, so it would not meet the before 1998 perimeters.

One other possibility, is the increasing intensity of large storms during the 1990’s. His light could be the lightening in these storms. It could be that after the final times, all atmospheric anomalies will be come to known as the works of Him. In this case His Light would be seen as the cause of these storms. As Cayce says this ‘vision’ will only occur for a particular group of people, perhaps we will never know exactly what he meant by these statements.

Solar Influence
Edgar Cayce, Reading 1602-3 9/22/39
8. Q) Three hundred years ago Jacob Boehme decreed Atlantis would rise again at this crisis time when we cross from this Piscean Era into the Aquarian. Is Atlantis rising now? Will it cause a sudden convolution and about what Year?
A) In 1998 we may find a great deal of the activities as have been wrought by the gradual changes that are coming about. These are at the periods when the cycle of the solar activity, or the years as related to the sun’s passage through the various spheres of activity become paramount or Catamount [Tantamount] to the change between the Piscean and the Aquarian age. This is a gradual, not a cataclysmic activity in the experience of the earth in this period.

As one reads through the question, and the answer in this reading, the first thing which may strike you, is that the answer does not seem to be appropriate to the question. Here again however, the problem may not be with the response, but with the query. It is likely, that Boehme’s prediction about the rise of Atlantis, was not correct. This is why Cayce does not say anything about Atlantis. Instead, he talks about solar activity as it relates to the transition of the Piscean, to Aquarian ages.

A more specific problem with the question may be Boehme’s time frame for the rise of Atlantis. According to him this is to take place during the transition period between world ages. While Atlantis may rise again, apparently, it does not do so during the transition period as defined by Mr. Cayce. This transition time, as we have seen in previous readings, is to occur between the years 1958 through sometime after 1998. Obviously, Cayce was correct by not answering this aspect of the question, because as we all know, neither Atlantis, or any other continent, has risen from the depths, as of 1999.

We also find that Cayce’s answer to the second part of the question, as to whether the rise of Atlantis will cause a sudden convolution, and in what year this will happen, is consistent with what he has said in other readings. He repeats here again, that during the transition period the changes on earth will be gradual. The only greater ‘activities’, or changes we will see during the transition will be related to phases of solar activity.

Even though it sounds like Cayce says the effects of solar changes on the earth is not of much consequence, I do not think we should take this reading lightly. In addition to confirming the quatrain from Nostradamus concerning how good times on earth are related to what goes on in the Sun, and the Moon, we must remember, that Cayce says the effects of solar activity will be gradual only during the transition period. While Boehme may define the transition as including those times before, and after the pole shift, apparently Cayce does not. I believe that Cayce defines the period before 1998 as the transition. After ‘98 is what Cayce would call the ‘end times’, as they are understood by most Biblical scholars. This is when the greatest destruction is to occur. However, even then, Atlantis may not resurface.

One might also keep in mind, that I can find no readings where Mr. Cayce talks about Atlantis rising in tact, as it originally was. He does say, remnants of that continent will be found off the coast of Bimini. He also indicates, that land will rise, and fall in different parts of the world. One would have to conclude then, that the rise referenced by Mr. Boehme, does not match anything about Atlantis as seen by Mr. Cayce. The only thing we know for sure from Mr. Cayce about a return of Atlantis, is the return of souls from that time to our present period.

Now let’s dig a little deeper, into the nature of geologic changes, Cayce says are to occur during the transition period. The fact that these changes may somehow be directly related to solar activity, has to be the most fascinating part of this reading. That Cayce should bring to light, how changes in the sun will be a catalyst for the effects we will see, is amazing in itself. Especially if you consider, that at the time of this reading the sun’s output was believed to be relatively constant.

This all changed however, during the late1960’s, and early 1970’s when the notion of global warming first came to the front. It was only then, we began to notice environmental changes which were associated with a general warming of the earth’s atmosphere. In the early 1980’s the cause, and effects of El Ninó were also discovered. While our understanding of how the worlds oceans, and land formations affect weather patterns began to increase during this time, the early theories about atmospheric pollutants being the primary cause of the general warming, has now come into question.

In the 1990’s, with better means of measuring solar output, there are some scientists who now claim the sun is at least a major contributor to the problem. Not only this, but it has been found that the sun’s radiation increases, and decreases over the 11 year solar flare cycle. Unfortunately, because of the relatively short period of time over which data has been collected about the nature of solar activity, we really don’t know if the sun goes through long cycles of differing output. The only thing which is known for sure is, that solar output increases when there is a peak in solar flare activity. At the peak of these cycles, the earth’s average temperature does tend to rise. The next one of these peaks is to occur, just after the year 2000.

We also know, that every 21 years the sun’s magnetosphere reverses. In other words, the sun has a north, and south pole just like the earth. Every 21 years the direction of the magnetic flow from the solar poles reverses. In the spring of the year 2000, this will occur at the same time as the peak solar flare activity. The result of these two events happening simultaneously, is expected to generate an unusual amount of radiation, and magnetic disturbances on earth. It is not unreasonable to believe, that there could be other changes going on within the sun, which could have a direct effect on the earth. It is also reasonable to assume, that because of the relative mass of these two bodies, the changes in sun do not have to be very great, to have a large impact upon our planet.

In another reading Cayce mentions, that some of the earth changes will be stimulated by the earth’s absorption of solar radiation. While this has not been documented as yet by the scientific community, it is known, that one of the earth’s protective shields against this radiation, its magnetosphere, is diminishing. Thus, while the carbon dioxide build up in the atmosphere, may be contributing to global warming, an increase in solar radiation, may be the primary cause of the increasing atmospheric temperatures.

As we see in this reading, and in a couple of others, according to Mr. Cayce, 1998 is a pivotal year. It is at this time we are to realize the truth about much of what he talks about in his readings. Indeed, it was in this year, the studies began to emerge, about the effects of changing solar output. It was also during this year the information came together to confirm many of the effects he said we would see between the years ‘58 to ‘98. We also discovered that these effects were directly related.

Certainly, those changes previously mentioned, with regards to upheavals in the polar regions, and increased volcanic activity, can be linked to global warming. It is the general increase in world temperatures, which is no doubt the cause of the melting polar ice caps, the increased ferocity of the effects of El Nino, as well as other weather phenomena around the world. If we are to believe Mr. Cayce, all of these changes are the result of ‘the cycle of solar activity’ which he says is the catalyst (‘catamount’) for what is happening during this time.

As what I believe to be a remarkable fulfillment of his predictions for ‘98, some scientists have began to correlate the cumulative rise of destructive events over the last 50 years. This data included the frequency, and the amount of devastation associated with earthquakes, volcano’s, tidal waves, and weather patterns during this times. The results shown a very gradual increase in degree up to the 1990’s. A very dramatic up turn after that time. As of 1999 the hurricanes have been getting bigger, and the geologic upheavals more severe, and more frequent. As we know that the solar cycle peaks in 2000, we must assume, that the temperatures will continue to rise at least until then. As this effect continues, then we must also assume that the weather patterns, and earth changes will get more severe as well.

Where To Look In The Beginning
Edgar Cayce, Reading 3976-26 4/28/41
12. Strifes will arise through the period.

Watch for them near Davis Strait in the attempts there for the keeping of the lifeline to a land open.

Watch for them in Libya and in Egypt, in Ankara and in Syria,

through the straits about those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.

13. Ye say that these are of the sea; yes, - for there shall the breaking up be,

until there are those in every land that shall say that this or that shows the hand of divine interference, or that it is nature taking a hand, or that it is the natural consequence of good judgments.

14. But in all of these, let each declare Whom ye will serve: a nation, a man, a state, or thy God?

In this reading, we are now given some of the geological changes to look for, as well as how the general populous will come to believe, that the natural disasters to come were inspired by God. It must be remembered however, that while the areas mentioned are to be ‘hot spots’ for earth changes, the major events to take place there, may not occur until the final years before the pole shift. In the mean time, let’s look at the areas Cayce talks about, and see if anything has happened yet.

In the search for signs of initial changes, we must remember, that what we are looking for may not be catastrophic. I believe this gradual increase in intensity of the changes, is supported by his statement, that man will eventually come to see the changes as inspired by ‘the hand of divine interference’. In 1999 a sign of this trend begin to emerge in Turkey, when millions of people flooded the Mosques there, after several violent earthquakes in that country. As of this time, this is the only area where the devastation has reached the degree to inspire this outcry by the people.

Just so, I believe the stage is still being set in the places Cayce mentions here, for the greater calamities to come. In this regards, the first line, does not leave us with much to go on. The word strifes, can mean both natural disasters, and social conflicts. As we are not really told exactly what to look for, our only option is to see if anything occurring in these places could relate to the predictions. The one hint he gives us, could relate this reading to the previous one. This is the line where Cayce says, these changes ‘are of the sea’.

The most visible ‘upheavals’ in the Arctic, and Antarctic as of ‘99, were in the form of huge chunks of shelf ice breaking away from the edge of Antarctica. One of these gigantic ice bergs was bigger than the state of Connecticut. Six months after this berg had floated away from the polar regions, it was found still in tact off of the coast of Argentina. Whether the generation of these huge icebergs would qualify as an upheaval, is still a question. Indeed, they may only be a precursor to violent shifts in the earth’s crust in the polar regions. I believe this kind of event would more aptly fit the notion of an upheaval. I believe that this evolution in destruction will be the case for all of the areas mentioned in this reading.

In the first location mentioned, that of the Davis Strait, we would most likely be looking for some extraordinary force of nature to occur. This Strait is a broad channel about 400 miles wide, and 400 miles long, that separates Greenland, Baffin Island, and Northeastern Canada. It is also the entry to the Northwest Passage. A warm current, which is part of the North Atlantic Drift, usually flows north along the coast of Greenland keeping the shipping lanes open there.

A problem in this area, might be an interruption of these warmer Atlantic currents. This could allow polar ice to build up in the strait, blocking the shipping lanes. Extreme weather patterns would be a likely creator of this possibility, and would comply with the previous quatrain by Nostradamus. However, this has not happened as of 1999.

Shortly after W.W.II, an effort was made by the US military, to control ice bergs coming out of this area. These are the same animals responsible for the demise of the Titanic, and have plagued the North Atlantic shipping lanes for years. No effective way was devised to destroy, or alter the courses of these massive chunks of ice. They had to settle for a better means of tracking them, when they were a potential threat to ships passing through this part of the ocean. Whether this situation would qualify as the shipping lane problem Cayce talks about is unclear.

A more devastating scenario is developing in this area, which only now has scientists greatly concerned. The polar ice shelf around this strait, is developing huge fractures miles away from the front edge of the ice sheets. If the resulting massive chunk of ice from these fractures should actually break away from the main flow, it would trigger a huge tidal wave. This wave could flood the east coast, where New York, and Virginia are at particular risk. At the same time, this huge ‘iceberg’ could clog the straits blocking all shipping lanes.

Global warming is blamed for the ice fractures which are occurring both in the Arctic, and Antarctic regions. It would be logical to assume, that if the warming continues, we will continue to see a disturbance in ice conditions, at the poles. The most likely possibility is a reduction in the permanent glacial ice in these areas. In 1998 scientists noted a 30% reduction in the thickness of the polar ice in the Davis Strait flows. At present we being told, that the greatest threat from this situation will be a rise in sea levels around the world. However, there may be other developments which have not been considered as yet, but would correspond to the warnings given by Cayce.

The newest studies of the El Nino phenomena, are suggesting yet another possibility. It has been found, that as the earth heats up, it will automatically attempt to cool itself down. As the oceans get warmer, additional moisture is put into rising thermals, in the equatorial regions. This causes the cooler polar air to be drawn down under the warmer air in these areas. The moisture in the warmer air then condenses, and comes down as rain or snow. This could result in colder winters accompanying the hotter summers. The ice packs would become bigger, then melt faster. This would contribute to the massive fractures we are seeing now the Davis Strait area.

We could probably lump Libya, Egypt, Ankara, Syria, and the Persian Gulf into one big trouble spot. I don’t think we are looking for physical changes here, but for signs of a mobilization of religious factions in these areas. The interactions of the countries mentioned have long been promoted as the source of the battle at Armageddon. While things are relatively calm in these areas as of 1999, as we shall see in other prophecies, things will begin to heat up there when the greater earth changes begin to take place.

His reference to the straits above Australia, and the Indian Ocean, appears to be, a repeat of warning signs he said would appear in the South Pacific. Then again, it all depends on what he means by ‘breaking up’ in those places. Since all of the changes during the transition period are to be gradual, perhaps there will be a moderate increase in volcanic activity and/or earthquakes in these areas. It will only be in the final period when there could be some major vertical land shifts in these areas.

Perhaps of most importance is his reference in line 13, emphasizing that all of the places mentioned are near to, or part of the ‘sea’. Several times Mr. Cayce mentions the interaction between the sea, and the ice at the poles, as a cause of extinction’s, and geographical changes on the earth. Even though it has been well known for many years, that the oceans make up 70% of the surface of the earth, it has only recently come to light, just how great an influence they have on our environment.

We have long known, that the oceans produce most of the oxygen we need to exist. We recognize the tidal action caused by the moon, which produces subtle changes in the coast lines. It was not until the investigation of the cause of the El Nino effects in the early 1980’s however, that it was realized how greatly the oceans effect the climate around the world. It has been just in the last few years, a theory has emerged regarding land deformations as a result of changing sea levels around the world.

It is now supposed that the solar activities may change periodically melting the ice at the poles, causing the ocean levels to rise. As the weight of the melting ice is redistributed around the world in the ocean elevations it will change the amount of pressure on the ocean tectonic plates. This will in turn cause fractures around and inland of the continental shelves. As a result we could see increased volcanic activity, and earthquakes. There will also be dramatic changes in weather patterns as the ice sheet retract.

There could also be other situations, where the oceans play a part in the formation, and destruction of exposed land. One possibility, is the effect of ocean water, being forced into the earth where the tectonic plates merge. It is now supposed, that this action is responsible for the creation of some types of rock deposits. It could also be a cause for much of the volcanic activity world wide. Unfortunately, we do not fully understand this process yet. But, this explanation, could be an answer to, how the sea, is related to the breaking up, of the areas he mentions in this reading.

Another question remains as well. To what extent is this ‘breaking up’ to be? Will there be cracks in the earth in these areas? Will there be great shifts in land elevation there? Continents rising and falling out of the sea? While we are given some hints about this in other readings and prophecies, unfortunately, as of today I do not know of a complete list of all of the changes that are to occur world wide after the pole shift. In all of the areas that he mentions we can see some subtle changes taking place.

To date one of the most interesting aspects of this reading may apply directly to the discovery of the source of the El Nino effects. We now know, that the phenomena has its source in the ‘areas above Australia’, where the dominant westerly winds of the Pacific drive warm Pacific waters into this region. As these warmer waters accumulate there, this region of the ocean becomes the warmest of any spot on earth. For reasons still not fully understood, every 7 years or so, these westerly winds dissipate allowing these warm waters to move back to the east, dissipating along the coast of South America.

The name El Nino was given to this phenomena by the fishermen in Chile, who could see its effects as the waters there grew warmer, forcing the fish to move elsewhere with the colder currents. Since this would generally happen around Christmas, the name El Nino (Christ Child) was given to it. It is of interest to note, that the effects of El Nino on the sea life along the South American coast may be compounded by the lack of conservation practices there. Just as we may be contributing to Global warming, compounding the effects of El Nino in other places. The results in Chile for instance, may be a complete devastation of all sea life along its coast, as fishermen continue to harvest all forms of fish even during these blight times. It could very well be, they will see the day when the fish can not recover in this area at all.

In the Indian Ocean, another of these ‘warm spots’ was discovered which is believed to greatly effect the weather conditions off the coasts of India, and Africa. The droughts, and floods which were previously blamed on El Nino, are now found to be caused by this build up, and dissipation of the warmer water in the Indian Ocean. Indeed, it may very well be, that another one of these conditions could exist in the area of the Persian Gulf.

The second part of line 13 is now becoming more evident. Even though I don’t think we have seen any of the larger signs appearing yet, Global Warming has stimulated much ado about a perceived change in the forces of nature. Certainly, we have are seeing the promotion of this effect as being a consequence of mans indiscretions. This would seem to comply with Mr. Cayce’s statement we may come to believe ‘that it is the natural consequences of good judgments’.

It is only logical to assume, that as both climatic conditions, and geological upheavals continue to escalate, it will be said, that Nature has gotten out of hand. These effects however, will probably not happen until sometime after the millennium. During those times, we will also be exposed to an increase in spiritual revolution. Those of the more fanatical nature are sure to see these events as an act of God. Thus, it will probably be later when we will see the fulfillment of his prediction, that all of this is a result of, divine interference.

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