The Nature of Prophecy
by Rahn Heart


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After studying the prophecies of Nostradamus, Cayce, Fatima and the like, it became clear to me, that what was being described, was something difficult to do in the form of words. It became apparent, that the only way anyone had any hope of really understanding such things, was to experience the phenomena of prophecy for themselves. Having done so, I am now even more convinced of the necessity of this experience, for the proper understanding of the nature of this gift.

As with all mystical experiences, there are those who are truly blessed with the ability to see the future, and those who take advantage of lesser forms of soothe saying. As a result, it seems as though, for every truth, there are a thousand contradictions. Even here, where I have tried to use only those prophets who are the best known, with the highest accuracy rates, their predictions, are not always absolutely clear. This, can leave one wondering, if there is any real capability to see the future.

There appears to be almost no escape from this shroud of doubt, surrounding the forecast of future events. Because ‘true’ visions of prophecy are inherently a part of the spiritual experience, they will always incorporate a broader scope of teaching, other than to simply reveal a glimpse of the future. In fact, I am sure, that part of the confusion associated the relay of this information, involves an intentional feeding of misconceptions by those higher sources. I believe this is done with the hope, that some will be motivated to seek the truth for themselves.

In the East, all of these uncertainties, doubts, and misconceptions are part of a mask of confusion called Maya. There, it is taught, that one must pierce through this illusion, to find the truth. In order to do this, you are brought to the point of questioning everything. In order to ‘see’ this truth, you must question what you are doing. Question what I am presenting. At some point, you will find, the only real answers are inside of yourself. Eventually, there will come an inner knowing of what is right. Then, you may receive your own visions of what is to be.

One thing is certain. We are all a part of ‘God’s’ creation. In order to be a part of it, we must be connected with that creative force. By the very fact that you exist, you must have the capacity to sense the higher realms of reality. In this light, I believe everyone is capable of perceiving future events. It is a part of your higher nature to have this ability.

Perhaps the most universal experience in this regards, is Deja Vu. A person may feel as though they are experiencing something done before, because, they have already 'seen' it in a dream, or a vision. It is simply, that most people have not been trained to remember their visions. This is why, when the perceived event occurs, it feels like you have done it before. In reality, you are just experiencing the event you had previously seen.

There are also more intense experiences, which I believe, everyone is exposed to at some time in their life. These are glimpses of your higher nature. Many times out of simple fear, we may choose to ignore them, or try to put it off. However, if you do, you may find your life will become even more traumatic. This can be one reason why some people have near death experiences. It may have had to come to this, in order to force them, to realize their higher nature.

In eastern teachings, it is believed, these more intense experiences can occur approximately every seven years. The Hindu tradition has delineated these seven year periods in life, as phases of evolution between the body, and the soul. Without listing all of them, the years 14 to 21 are for child bearing, 21 to 28, the establishment of your own status, 28 to 35, accumulation of wealth, and so on. The transition points, will usually be marked by some kind of ‘higher’ experience.

These are given as reminders of your spiritual nature, and that you are here for a higher purpose. Although we are compelled to reincarnate in many forms, most of the time, we do so for a reason. At some point, you must come to know why you are here, and move towards what you have come here to do. Sometimes, we have to be reminded of this purpose, as we tend to get distracted, by the lower nature of the physical world.

In my own case, at the age of 35, there was a dramatic change in my life. I became consumed with the belief, that there was something else beyond this mundane existence. Something more meaningful, and permanent. As a part of my quest for this knowledge, I was blessed to have received several kinds of 'visions'. All of them came true, and when they occurred, I knew absolutely, this was the ‘vision’ that I had ‘seen’ (like the Deja Vu experience, but being able to remember the vision).

What is a Vision?

The commonly accepted definition of a ‘vision’, would probably involve one, or more individuals ‘seeing’ a divine being, who would impart some spiritual wisdom, a healing, and/or show them ‘images’ of a future event. This being, may also speak through a person, in order to convey a message to others. Such a ‘vision’ of the Mother Mary, is associated with several of the prophecies I have included in this writing.

In virtually all of these cases, the person receiving the vision, is in an altered state of consciousness. They could not be awakened from this state, by any means, that would awaken someone from normal sleep, or hypnosis. Their eyes are open, they appear to be awake, but they are talking to someone who is unseen by those around them. Brain wave analysis, has shown them to be in a deep sleep dream state. In religious terms, this state is called ecstasy

In my own experience with this condition, there can be awareness of what is called, an out of body experience. It is as if, the being you are in the presence of, is so powerful, they are able to bring you to their level, overriding your normal state of existence. In my case, this being was Jesus Christ. This was unquestionably, the most intense spiritual experience I have had to date.

There was a tremendous amount of information relayed to me, during what was probably only a few seconds. I have no idea how long the episode actually lasted. Immediately after the experience, the time of day was insignificant, to say the least. The impact of seeing this being was so great, I did not eat, or sleep for three days. All aspects of the physical world became meaningless to me during that time.

The ‘visual’ portion of what He showed me, was a view of what He said was His 'second coming'. What I was told, was that ‘the second coming’ began with His appearance to Mary, and has continued with His personal appearance to those who are truly ready to receive Him. Just as He appeared to me, He has appeared to countless others since His crucifixion.

At one point, He brought me to His side, and we were instantly miles about the earth. The view was similar to that from the space shuttle. >From His feet, there were rays of light, spreading out all across the earth. Some were directed to specific areas, where the effect would be like seeing city lights from an airplane. In that image, we were huge relative to the size of the world. Although some believe, He will be seen at the second coming, in a form similar to this view, it was my impression, that this was a symbolic representation of how He ‘feeds’ His followers. On the other hand, I am sure, that if He wanted to appear to the masses as a large form floating above the earth, it would not be out of the realm of His power to do so.

There was nothing in His message, about returning as a conqueror, or war, or any other type of conquest in the material form. He did not fill this role when he was on earth previously, and the essence of his teachings were not about this type of power. Those teachings as I have come to understand them are, that the battle is one of releasing oneself from the bonds that tie you here. His sword is not to be wielded against legends of men, but to cut those ties of attachment, limiting you to a mortal view of the universe.

The most important part of the message, as far as I was concerned, was the understanding of His nature as a form of divine Love. He cannot judge you, He cannot be angry with you, He cannot even forgive you, because He is way beyond any of these concepts. He just shines with the light of divine Love, just as the sun shines. You can come out, and bask in it, or you can hide in the shadows. Either way He will continue to shine. That Love will always be there, whenever you need it. You just have to reach for it.

Still, it seems, that the Messiah many people want, is one who is going to literally conquer the world. This is how He is suppose to bring peace, and awareness, while banishing evil. Perhaps, there needs to be a reminder, that none of the present great icons of the world, including; Christ, Krishna, Buddha, or Mohammed have done this, even though, other souls have done it in their names

I believe this message came through many of Edgar Cayce’s readings. As one of the main prophets I will be referencing, this reading is about what I was shown.

Edgar Cayce, Reading 3976-8 1/15/32

11. Man’s answer to everything has been POWER - power of money, Power of position, Power of wealth, Power of this, that or the other. This has NEVER been GOD’S way, will never be God’s way. Rather little by little, line upon line, here a little, there a little, each thinking rather of the other fellow,.....

Many times, the people who have this type of vision, will claim they do not remember anything about what happened during the episode. Edgar Cayce would say this after his trances. In my own case, this was true with regards to what was going on physically around me. I remember being awakened by a very bright light in the room. At that second, I was aware of my body, but when I rolled over to look at what was causing the light, my physical body didn’t move. From then on, I was only aware of my spiritual form. When I came back to the physical world, I was sitting on the side of the bed. I have no idea how I got to that position.

Although I regard this vision of Jesus, as one of the 'highest' forms of the spiritual experience, I also think, there are an infinite number of levels, or degrees of intensity to this type of phenomena. For instance, even though the classic form of vision may include information about a future event, not all prophecies have been relayed, with a vision of a divine being. The two best known prophets I will be quoting, Edgar Cayce, and Nostradamus, did not mention ‘seeing’ Jesus, Mary, or any other well known deity during their experiences.

Although Mr. Cayce was in a trance during all of his readings, he also had dreams of future events, and other experiences he would call visions. In some cases, he was able to expand on his readings while fully conscious. I believe Nostradamus was probably fully conscious during all of his prophetic divinings. Yet both of these prophets, either ‘saw’ the future, or connected with those beings, who had the power to convey it.

My point here is, that there are many different forms to the vision experience. Just as we are each a unique aspect of this creation, so each of us have own capabilities. Therefore, how a prophecy is received, has little to do with its validity. Taking this to its broadest context, if everything which exists, incorporates a divine source (God), then everything we perceive, on all levels, is a form of 'vision'. The only difference is, if we are able to see it in that way.

For example, shortly after my Jesus experience, I had a ‘vision’ of the form which is known in Christianity as Satan. Just as Christ’s throne is in the spiritual realm (as he said ‘that of heaven’), so Satan’s throne is of the physical form. It is important to realize however, that both these realms have a single source. In Christianity, this concept is given as Father (God), Son (Jesus), and Holy Ghost (Satan). This trinity is the anchor which holds our universe together. In the east, this balance of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, seems to be better understood than in the west. The knowledge of each aspect of the trinity, is accepted as part of the wisdom which is necessary to understand the full scope of God.

In this second vision, I saw the face of what looked like a crazy person, superimposed over all of the people in the vicinity of where I was. I came to see his ‘body’ as that of Nature. That is, all of the physical surroundings. As a demonstration of his power, there was an ever increasing series of events, which started with a cloud forming over an ashram I was standing in front of. This cloud formed out of a clear blue sky, in perfectly calm weather. Out of this cloud, bolts of lighting began to strike all around the buildings there.

Then, another cloud came down the Ganges River, which was behind me. Looking up the river, I could see it coming out of the mountains, miles away. It came down the river valley, at what must have been hundreds of miles an hour. There was a tremendous wind as it slammed into the ashram buildings.

Next, from down stream, a huge black cloud came billowing up the river. Out of this cloud, came more thunder, lightning, and winds. All during this time, the river was slowly rising. At the end of this experience, (which only stopped, when I made the statement to myself, that I had seen enough), I had no doubt, this being, could create, and destroy mountains, oceans, or anything else in the physical form. During this time, I was fully conscious, while in a state of bliss. I did not see an image of any future events, however, several messages were relayed to me during this experience, which I will be talking about in the appropriate time frame of this writing.

Even though this experience did not fit all of the perimeters of a ‘normal’ vision, I would still consider it to be so. From what I can tell, there are two main aspects to the nature of communicating with higher sources. First, is the power of the source through which you are connecting, and second is the frequency level of the transfer. In the case of seeing Jesus, the source was very powerful, and I was essentially removed from the physical (lower frequency) form to a much higher level. In the case of Satan (Shiva), the source was also very powerful, but manifested itself in a lower, or the physical form. I would also remind you, that both of these beings are an aspect of God.

Again though, neither of the two factors, power, or frequency, seem to have anything to do with the quality of a prophecy. Even though my vision of Jesus was very intense, I really didn't receive anything about future events. On the other hand, a simple dream, may give a very clear picture of the future. If you listen carefully to those around you, you can also hear your future being formed, as they talk about episodes in their life, which they attempt to pass on to you.

This is how most telephone psychics do their thing. You essentially allow them to create your future. It will happen through the power of their words, and your complicity. This process is similar to the way it works in the higher realms as well. The main difference is, that the there is more power involved because the events are greater in scope. They involve many people, or the coarse of direction for the whole planet.

Both Cayce, and Nostradamus were able to perceive higher souls, who were not in the body. Some of their visions were relayed either through, or by these souls. Other than Jesus, and Shiva, I have had no such experience. I have had contact with several 'great souls' in the body, including; Kumar, my first real teacher, Rajanish, Krishnananda, Kryananda, Sai Baba, and Charlie, an American Indian medicine man. All of these souls, are living constantly in the 'vision' state. For them, what we call reality is the dream.

These people can tap into anyone's inner being, as well as the past, present, or future. In an effort to explain to me the nature of this level of attainment, Kumar once compared it to the technique of hypnosis. He first posed the question, "what is hypnosis"? The answer is; a method of accessing the subconscious mind, by neutralizing the conscious. His next question was; "What would happen if you could hypnotize the subconscious mind"? The answer was; you would be able to access the soul.

It was my great honor, to be able to, be near these higher souls. In the process of doing so, one is brought up to their level, simply by being in their presence. After awhile, as you are ‘opened’, you ‘see’, that the most meaningful forms of communication, are not in words. In fact, words, are a part of the physical form, and generally feed our confusion. Rarely, does anyone say verbally, what they are really thinking.

This dichotomy of thinking one way, and speaking in an accepted social format, is one of the blocks to higher forms of consciousness. As your energy level rises, this block is cleared. You may then have the fascinating experience of communicating by mental telepathy. Now you can hear their words in your head very clearly. It is a bit disconcerting at first, in that, you don’t really know if they are ‘hearing’ you, because there is no verbal noise. But you know they are, when they respond in a form which would comply with what you are thinking.

It is this same process, by which, words are relayed in a vision. Without the physical body, it should be obvious, this is the only way it could be done. I might also add, that I have had at least one out of body experience which was perpetrated by some of these powerful souls. One case, that comes to mind, was in the presence of a yogi who lived along the Ganges River. After sitting with this being for awhile, I was going to take my leave, by first bowing before him, out of respect. At the moment I lowered my head, I was moved to raise up again, and look directly into his eyes. Instantly, I was no longer aware of my body. I was instead the universe. I had the feeling of being infinite. Of perceiving the stars, and heavens within me. It was a very awesome view, but not as intense as that of Jesus.

This brings us to the topic of possessions. This is a condition, where one soul may overpower another, and occupy their body. As you may notice, this is common to many of the prophetic experiences. In most religions involving the worship of divine souls, this is actually encouraged. All of the teachers who I have spent time with, have discouraged this practice. The true teacher is here to help you. To guide you into your own duty, and power, not to possess you. While they may have to do so periodically, in order to show you something, it is not their purpose to take over your soul. Sometimes this is a fine line to walk, as there are souls out there who do want to take over a body. These beings are usually of lesser knowledge, and with lower motives.

Those who supposedly ‘channel’ a higher soul, are an example of what is greatly discouraged by the teachings I have been exposed to. You are suppose to develop your own ability to tap into the ‘source’, not rely on using other souls to do so. As such, this would preclude any need to ‘mimic’ the personalities of other beings.

The recognition of how you are being affected on that level, is an important lesson, as we all are being ‘invaded’ by those around us. >From birth, a parent will essentially control the infant in that form. In this case, it may be a necessary part of the education of the child, for its survival. As we grow older however, we will come to the point, where we need to consciously choose a higher source for our education. Although this ‘breaking away’, may be traumatic for the parents, and the child, it is an important part of our growth as a soul.

What is a Dream?

If you should come to be able to stand back from the ‘normal’ functioning of humanity, you will find that dreams, are actually conveyed by interactions with others. Parents will transfer their dreams to their children. The alien abduction experience for instance, has been found to be passed down in this way. Diseases, and habits, will also be passed in the same way. Although science may say this is a process of genetics, on a higher level, much more is involved.

In that form, dreams, and visions, are just another form of communication. The difference between those experiences given by ‘higher’ souls, and those of family, or associates, would be similar to the distinction between a class given by a college professor, and a nursery school teacher. As you become closer to those greater souls who are connected with the ‘source’, so too you will come to know that ‘source’. It is an inherent part of this connection to receive information about the future, in the form of dreams, or visions.

Because we are being constantly ‘hit’, by the people around us, we need to be able to discern the casual transfers, from what is being given by the higher sources. Most of our daily contacts result in what I would call, the reception of emotional drivel. The majority of people, have no idea they are doing. It is kind of like children who cry, and throw things to get attention. Children need to do this, in order to sustain themselves, by keeping the attention of the parents. Unfortunately, for those who are untrained, the transfers on this level, are usually both physically, and spiritually debilitating.

The two individuals I will most often be quoting, Nostradamus, and Edgar Cayce, obtained most of their insights though their own personal connection with the higher sources. By their own inherent capacities, they were able to transcend the ‘blind’ confusion, most people are subject to. At this point, one comes to realize, that getting the attention of those around you, is a fleeting, if not useless endeavor.

The attention you really want, is from the higher souls. Most specifically, that of God, in whatever form He may be to you. As you reach out to this source, through the exercise of your own will to do so, the answers will come. In the beginning, the experiences can be a bit overwhelming, because of the higher energy level of those souls. But, if you stay with it, you should eventually become used to dealing with this state of awareness.

With persistence, you will come to know, that we are all connected to the source, in one degree or another. Our main barrier to being consciously aware of this, is simply fear. We have been conditioned to believe, it is beyond our capability to do so. Or, such efforts will result in loosing our minds, tempting God, or Satan, or the like. Or, the worst possible belief - that I am not worthy to know. For whatever reason this barrier has been established, it is one which everyone at some point or another must cross. Even if they should have to do so at the time of death.

While I encourage everyone to seek this higher realization, I will also be the first to say, that it is not an easy process. Indeed, there are times, when you feel as if you are losing your mind. And, in a certain sense you are. The mind does not have the capacity to absorb the greater capacities of the soul. At some point, you have to let go of the mental process in order to move up. More appropriate perhaps, would be to say, you have to recognize the mind for its limitations.

This is where the assistance of a teacher can be very helpful. Someone to watch over you, and guide you through the process of transition to a higher awareness. Through the coarse of this 'opening', they will show you how dreams, and visions are transferred. At first, you come to believe, that every mystical experience is being created by them. In fact, in many cases, these experiences are conveyed to you, by your own higher Self. The teacher will simply ‘energize’ you, such that, your own nature is manifested.

Many times Kumar would make it a point to tell me, what he was giving, and what was coming from my higher Self. He would also point out, that each of his disciples were different. Even though some of the disciplines where common to all, we each have our own tasks, and capabilities. Not everyone can be a great prophet. Not every prophet will be a great healer. So it is with everyone, both in the mystical sense, and in the physical world.

For those who may be starting their own quest into the realm of higher awareness, a good place to begin, is by seeking to dig more deeply into the dream state. Most of us pay little attention to our dreams, unless they become very emotionally charged. Even then, most dreams are taken as a minor annoyance, rather than something meaningful.

Researchers have found, that virtually everyone, at some point during sleep, has at least a moment or two, in a state where if awakened, they will remember dreaming about something. I believe the scientists are correct in assessing, that most dreams, are a way for a person to release certain fears, anxieties, or desires in a relatively harmless manner. Along with these primal dreams however, there are a number of other types of dreams.

If you are going to take your quest seriously, it is a good idea to write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. As you are going to sleep, make a suggestion to your subconscious, that you want to remember your dreams. I would also tell myself, what I would like to dream about. Or, I would like an answer to a question, in the form of a dream. Most of the time however, I think it is best to just let the things come as they will.

When remembering the dream, the first thing one should pay attention to, is the color. The images in a dream, will reflect their source. The level of color in the pictures you see, will correspond to the frequency level of where the dream came from. Colors can vary from grays, and blacks, all the way to colors, which look like an electrified neon . Dreams in black, and white, or gray shades, are usually generated by lower energy levels i.e.. fear, desire, sex, anger, frustration, and the like. The emotional, or lower base desires. Dreams in vivid color, usually come from a higher frequency, and will relay an aspect of wisdom, a future event, or the spiritual nature of a person around you.

I would also suggest, that you try to 'watch' yourself go to sleep, and waking up. Try to become conscious of knowing when you are asleep. This seems to be contradictory, because normally, one would consider sleep to be a state were there is no conscious awareness. On the other hand, if you consider sleep to be simply a bodily function, not necessarily one of the mind, and certainly not a function of the soul, then this idea of watching yourself in this state is not so impossible.

If you can master this, look for a point where you are just above deepest sleep. This is difficult to describe, but hopefully, you will notice a point, where at first, you would see a flash of color as you pass through it. Or, you might hear something like 60 radio stations, all playing at one time. If you can tune into this point, you will find it is here, that the body is serving as an antennae for the soul. The colors, are of the energy forces around us, and the radio stations, are the thoughts of those we are connected to.

It is at this level, where you will ‘see’, what is essentially our ‘true’ nature. One that is like a TV station, transmitting, and receiving, thoughts, and visions. Most of us have been trained from birth to focus on the very limited capacity of our minds, and bodies. Because of this, we are tuned into those channels which support this type of thinking. To get beyond this, we must learn how to ‘tune’ into the stations (sources), which transmit the type of energy designed for higher purposes.

This is why most spiritual practices are aimed at changing ones attention away from the lower based, physical, mental, and emotional responses. If one is successful at doing this, then your dreams will be of a more meaningful nature. In the ‘higher’ sense, dreams are the reality, and the physical form is the dream. If you are in tune with the creative forces behind the flow into the physical, then this can be so. If not, then your dreams are mostly an extension of your everyday emotional frustrations.

After spending much time with Kumar, along with doing daily practices designed to help me transcend the bad habits, I began to receive many ‘dreams’ about higher wisdom’s, and future events. Most of these related to my personal affairs, or to my connection with Kumar. One of my dreams about the future concerned a fire ceremony Kumar conducted, about 10 years after I dreamed about it.

What I ‘saw’, was a farm house in a field, with some foothills in the background. As I was first seeing it from a distance, it appeared, that there was a small grade up to the house, or it was on a slightly elevated ‘step’. In the windows, I could see many people wandering back, and forth. Their bodies were not solid. They were in a translucent spirit form.

In the next scene, I was inside of the house, watching these souls move about. I then saw Kumar, somewhat lighter than the rest. It was then I knew, these people to be his disciples. One thing odd about this scene was, that no one acknowledged my presence, or the presence of anyone else. This gave me the feeling, that while these souls were in this house, they were at the same time, still in their own home towns. This was associated with a feeling, that they were from different parts of the world. I saw no clues as to when this event was to occur.

Almost 10 years to the day after this dream, I entered the drive to this farm house. It was on a slight incline. It was the same exact shape. There were people milling around in the house as in the dream. I also discovered the reason why there was a lack of recognition between these people. It was because we were all on different levels. Some more advanced than others. Few if any of them, could really ‘see’ the essence of the people around them. In other words, most people interact, or ‘see’ strictly on an personal ego basis. Only one, or two people there, could ‘see’ each other as we really are, an eternal soul

This vision was received, in what I would call a ‘third eye experience’. I believe this to be the type of vision seen by Nostradamus. Parts of the what you see are very surreal, others very vivid, some of it was symbolic, other parts are literal in their physical resemblance. Virtually all of my visions of the future came in this way. Since Nostradamus sought to enter this state on a routine basis, with the use of tools, such as black mirrors, and large bronze bowls of water to stare into, he was probably able to consciously stimulate the opening of the third eye this way. In my own case, the visions would come either, as I was going to sleep, or coming out of sleep.

The images would come as if I was looking through a tube at them. Sometimes this ‘hole’ was narrow, sometimes it was very wide. In the case of being wider, there was no awareness of the edges of it, except I knew it would collapse at the end of the vision. Other times, the first thing I would see, was a spot of light. This point would open up, as if I was peering through a gap in the fabric of this reality. Oddly enough, many of these visions would occur at exactly four o’clock in the morning. After each experience I would be wide awake. After checking the clock several times, to find it pointing at this hour, I came to believe, that this time was designated for us to be able to access the higher realms.

I think it could be, that many people have a ‘third eye experiences’, and believe them to be a normal dream. My next experience represents this kind of situation. As it was early in my 'awakening', I was not aware of any special sensations, and I considered it to be received in a normal dream state. I relate it here as a demonstration, that even what we consider to be normal dreams can be meaningful.

In this dream, I was initially standing at a distance away from a mountain. On top of this mountain was a city. I understood this to be a symbolic representation of humanity, living on the physical plane. Then, I was in a passage, inside of the mountain. I moved a bit forward, and came to a door. Upon opening it, I saw a bright light, like the sun. Somehow I knew, this to be the creative force, or the divine power supporting everything on, and in the mountain.

My reaction to this scene was, that I had seen it before. I wanted to know more. So, I moved further down the passage, to another door. I opened this one, and walked in to the middle of a dark room. There seemed to be nothing at all in there. The walls, ceiling, and floor were all black. There was just enough light, to view the size, and shape of a large hall. In this room there was an overwhelming sense of curiosity. What was this room for? Why wasn't there anything here?


I then looked at the floor, and began to notice, some paisley designs, in black marble. As I watched, these designs began to move. I could feel my attention being drawn towards this movement. I was trying to figure out if there was any pattern to the movement, and what was causing it. I looked around, to find this effect happening on all the surfaces of the room. I started to become totally absorbed by it. I looked down again, and found myself starting to sink into the floor. It was as if this place was a bottomless pit. It fed on the desire to know. I woke up, as found myself up to my neck in the black marble floor.

In this dream, the two primary forces of the universe were represented; Christ and Satan, dark and light, ying and yang, positive and negative. Both are necessary forces, for existence as we know it. Both are part of the cause, and effect for every event. There is a flow from the light, to the dark. This flow of light, actions, and physical forms, is first emitted from the light, then dissipated, or consumed by the darkness. It seems as though to make something out of nothing, God had to split the nothing into two parts. These parts, positive and negative, then flow back together. to return to nothingness.

I believe this was the first representation of my future experiences with Jesus, and Shiva. As such, it was the start of a cycle, that culminated with these later visions. I am certain, that we all experience the same things over, and over again. Through these cycles, only the scenery, and the intensity changes. That scenery may be in a physical form one time, a dream the next time, or in a higher spiritual form the next. In all cases the message is the same. But with each cycle, a little more is added, to the degree you are able to absorb it.

As one progresses in their practices, you should evolve to a point where you are able to distinguish the differences between the various forms of dreams, and visions. You will know that dreams happen in a normal sleep state, and the higher communications happen in an altered state of consciousness. In my own case, I have found that in all cases of a higher communication, it is not something I can summon upon request. Or, should I say I can request it, but when it comes, does not seem to be controllable on a conscious level. However, there is a very distinct difference in awareness when they do occur.

In normal conditions of perception, both in consciousness, and in a dream, our awareness is inside our bodies. We sense things with our physical attributes i.e.. sight with the eyes, touch, smell, fear, joy, etc. We tend to associate what is happening around us, with the limitations of the body. In the altered state, one is aware of the body, but instead of being in it, you are around it. During these times, the body seems like nothing more than a lump of bio-matter, inside of your higher senses. In this state, you have a wholly different set of senses. You then can ‘see’ with a different kind of vision. This is the sight known as of the ‘third eye’. It is only in this state, that I have ‘seen’ visions of the future.

A Matter of Time

When attempting to convey the meaning of a vision experience, a few conceptual problems arise. One of them has to do with our notion of time. In the physical world, we have come to perceive time in a linear fashion. We have an inner sense of how long an hour, a day, or a year should be. Each of us also has a notion of how rapidly the order of events in the world should proceed.

In the higher realms however, time does not move like this. In fact, the higher one goes in the spiritual context, the more time seems to cease entirely. The Hindu teachings, offer an explanation of how this relationship of time, motion, and density works. It is found in what they call the Wheel of Shiva. Perhaps, you have seen a bronze casting of this symbol someplace. It will appear in most Indian craft shops. It is a circle, with points of fire spaced along the outside edges, with the image of Shiva, is inside of the circle, dancing on the base.

If you watch a large wheel as it turns, you will notice, that the center moves much more slowly than the outside circumference. Thus, the center of the circle, is the ‘highest’ point of awareness. At this point, there are only ‘thoughts’ of events. These ‘thoughts’, then move outwards, to the edges of the circle. As they do, they become more, and more dense. Eventually, they play themselves out, in the physical world, then dissipate, into the void beyond the circle. The base of the circle, where Shiva is dancing, is where these ‘thoughts occur in the present time.

Even though the physical aspect of an event is ‘burned up’ in the present, the thought of it still exists in the circle. Thus, from the center of the wheel, you can see all the parts of its construction. All of time, past, present, and future. But, when you tune into this view of the wheel, there is not always, a frame of reference for what you will see. For instance, a view of something 2000 years in the future, would be just as vivid, as something that is going to happen tomorrow.

I believe Edgar Cayce attempts to explain this dilemma in the following reading.

Edgar Cayce Reading 9047 9/3/83

>From a question about the earth changes predicted by Edgar Cayce

Answer: Yes we have these records, and would fist attempt to have you see from the perspective of these records, or through the eyes of the non-physical. When (events are) seen from a perspective that is not physical, not material, and therefore outside the point of reference (of) time, there is seen. that which exists in the present moment as cause, and there is seen (the results of that cause). There is no point of reference for the lapse of time between that being caused, and that result.

Through the eyes of the Super Consciousness, or the eye of limitless sight, looking upon the records, there is seen a falling away of a great portion of your continent. And, to the eye beholding an eventual result related to a present cause, the eventual result seems to happen as if it were occurring at once, or even in rapid succession. And the consciousness, attempting to relate this to another incident in space, and time, will attempt to describe that period in which the portion of the change, or the steps towards the (change), will occur.

I believe this is his explanation of how time becomes none existent the closer you come to the ‘source’. This is as you approach the center of the wheel in the previous example of dance of Shiva. We are used to having time flow in a linear manner, with one event following another, but as this linear movement disappears, everything begins to happen at once. This is what Cayce is trying to describe here, with the added note, that sometimes there is little reference as to exactly when something is to occur. More confusion is added to the picture because you will see both the causes, and the effects simultaneously. This is not only in a physical reference, but from the perspective of a higher source, from which all physical forms flow.

This problem is compounded in trying to put what is seen in a vision in words. This is why many prophecies, and readings from the prophets like Cayce, appear to be disjointed or incoherent ramblings. In this regards, let’s consider another rather simplistic example. Imagine that you are sitting in a room watching three TV’s each with a different football game on the screen. These games are all relevant to which team will go to the playoffs. While these games are going on, you are on the phone to a friend, trying to describe what is happening. To make things more complicated, you know, that instead of the football games, what he really wants to know, is how his favorite baseball team is doing. It shouldn’t take too much to realize, that as you attempt to give your friend all of this information, things can get a little mixed up.

Going back to the aspect of time in this example, a football game that would normally take 3 hours to complete in this plane, you will see in a space of two seconds. This does not mean, you will see it playing out like a video on fast forward. You will be aware of every play in the game, as if you had watched it in regular time. I hope you can imagine, that this is an additional problem of translation between the time frame you see in the vision, and the one in the physical world. It is very difficult to describe this much information, in a relatively short space of time in this reality.

You may have heard, that the Universe is just vibrations. This would best relate to the constant motion of atomic particles in physical nature, but on the soul’s level, our perceptions are more related to the vibrations of light, and electromagnetic energy. Within these mediums one will perceive frequency ranges from 1 cycle in years, to billions of cycles per second. The notion of ‘higher’, is correlated with this ‘tuning’ into the higher frequencies in the electromagnetic form.

Please realize, that I am not talking absolutes here. This is more a description of what it ‘feels like’. Even though I believe the nature of the spiritual form affects the creation of the physical, I do not think we will ever be able to measure spiritual perceptions with devices constructed in the physical world. It is possible to see the effects of spiritual energy in the physical form, but it is not possible to ‘measure’ these things with scientific instruments. The examples I use here, are an effort to compare events of the worldly form, to those of the spiritual.

As one goes up the spiritual frequency range, all the various forms of vibrations appear to merge into one. As they all stream forth from this point, the procession of events, does not always occur in an orderly fashion. This is another reason why, the exact timing of some events cannot be foretold. For example, if the idea came to you, to make a pie for dinner, you might start by getting out the bowls, and looking for the ingredients to mix in them. All those things you would need to make the pie, would have to be there, in order for you to do it. The time it takes you to bring the finished pie out of the oven, will depend on, whether you have to go to the store to buy something, or if your mixer is working etc.

As another example, even though Jules Verne ‘saw’ men going to the moon, and he was correct in the time it took, along with the number of men who went, all the ingredients necessary to actually create the event, had to evolve before the event could happen. This evolution does not necessarily come as a smooth flow. It is more like all of the ingredients, thoughts, and ideas, colliding with each other as they make their way into reality. In the mean time, Shiva is dancing. It is a dance of chaos, which is also an integral part of existence

It is this aspect of chaos, which leads to so much difficulty in understanding what the prophecies are saying. On the other hand, what if everyone had the ability to clearly see the future? Would you really want to know everything that is going to happen to you? You might say yes, and if it is something bad, I could change it. But, if everyone was constantly changing things, then the future could not be seen. Because of this paradox, there must be some force (it is called Shiva in the Hindu form), feeding the doubts, and confusion, which allows things to happen.

Even though many prophets will tell you, that things can be changed, I would only agree with this to a small degree. I believe we are allowed a certain amount of freedom, but as the Gita says, ‘even those things we do not want to do, we will be driven to do, helplessly by the forces of Nature’. At the best, you may be able to delay an event, which you judge to be bad. However, depending on the nature of what is to come, a delay, can just make things worse, when the put off circumstances finally do occur.

If you should be fortunate enough to come to the point of realizing, how this play we are all in, is being directed by something far wiser, and more powerful than anything you or I could imagine, you will understand, that the script is way beyond anything man could come up with. No matter how horrific things appear to be, in the bigger picture, you will find it to be so wondrous, you will not want to change it. You will want to be a willing participant in it.

Another part of the equation, is the factor of intensity. In other words, certain events have more power behind them than others. They may involve the nature of more powerful souls, or a greater coarse of events, which are a part of an ordained evolution. On a personal level, there are certain things which are meant to happen in ones life. These things will over ride everything else. This can cause a lot of heartache, as your ego may want to do something else at the time. However, it is around these ‘key’ happenings, either personal, or universal, that the coarse of history revolves.

I like to compare this effect to a wave on the Ocean. Each wave would be a destined event. The wave is created, way out in the center of the sea. As it approaches the shore, it becomes bigger, and more pronounced. On a large wave, you will see many small ripples. As it hits the shore, the event happens in the current time. All the commotion generated as the wave breaks on the beach is made up of the, spray, and noise as the sounds of an event happening in the present.

When you request a vision, or if one happens to come to you, you are seeing one of these waves. If you want to know when this vision will happen, you would have to know, how far the wave is from the shore, in addition to what speed it is traveling. If the wave is big enough, sometimes an exact time can be given. The end of a world age, would be a relatively huge wave. There should be no trouble giving a date for this event, and at least some of the smaller happenings associated with it. However, unless you are accustomed to dealing with time in these higher realms, you could still have problems ascertaining this information.

On this note I might add, that the process of asking is a requirement for being able to have the experience of seeing the future. It is as the old saying goes, 'ask and thou shall receive'. If you feel that it is beyond your capacity to have this ability, then you most likely will never have it. If you can't ask for it, it is a good sign, that somewhere deep inside, you either have no interest, or believe yourself to be unworthy of the gift of prophecy.

If you should have the desire to try, I am certain you will find it to be like everything else in this world. It takes practice, patience, and persistence to achieve most anything worth while. The biggest problem I have found is patience. These things don't happen the way you are used to functioning in the physical world. If you want a banana, you get up, go to the store, and get one. But, if you ask for an indication of the future, you just have to look for it, and wait.

If you should decide to go for it, remember, that there must be no doubts in your mind. You must be firm in your demand to know. Say it at night, before you go to sleep. 'I want to know what is going to happen about....'. Then watch, and wait, but don't dwell on it. Eventually, an answer will come. It might be helpful to think of this process, as though someone has to arrange for your information to get relayed. Sometimes the answer comes quickly, sometimes it can take years. When it does come, you will usually know it, as it will somehow jar your inner being with an accompanying message, 'this is it'. .

Now lets say, that you receive a vision. How do you know what you are really seeing, and when it will happen? The answer is; many times you don't know. Here is an example of this situation. Once I was reading An Autobiography of A Western Yogi, by Kryananda. This book inspired me to want to go to visit him at his ashram in Nevada City. So, I asked the universe for a sign, as to whether I would be going there soon. One night, shortly after this, I had a striking vision in vivid electric color. I was looking out of the window of a room at some tall pine trees. I was apparently seeing the aura of the trees. It looked like they were plugged into Hoover Dam. As if each tree was a neon sign.

Since I knew Kryananda’s ashram was in the forest near Nevada City, I took this to mean, that I would be going there, staying in a cabin, and this is where I would see this view out of the window. It felt like, I would see this scene in a couple of weeks. This was probably because, that was when I wanted to go there. To my great disappointment however, I didn’t go anywhere until about two months later. The destination, was the last on my list of places I wanted to go, my parents house. One day, as I was sitting there in Seattle, on the floor of my bedroom, I looked up to see the view of the pine trees, as it had appeared in the vision. As it turned out, I didn’t get to go to Kryananda’s ashram until almost a year later. As you can see, I misinterpreted both the time frame of the vision, and what the vision was about, even though it was the correct view of where I would go next.

The following is one of Edgar Cayce’s readings where he also describes this dilemma. It is a problem we must sort through in several of the prophecies about the coming events.

Edgar Cayce, Reading 270-32, 6/12/34

Q) Are details of the Earth’s Eruptions in 1936 so fixed, that you can give me an outline of the Pacific Coast area to be affected, along with precautionary measures to be exercised during, and after this catastrophe?

A) All of these are, as is ever on, or in such an activity, dependent upon individuals, or groups, who are in, or keep an attitude respecting the needs, the desires, the necessary requirements in such a field of activity. That some are DUE, and WILL occur is WRITTEN, as it were, but - as we find - as to specific date, or time in the present, this may not be given.

As he describes it here, the larger ‘waves’ are those things which are DUE and WRITTEN. In other words, these things, are going to come to pass for certain, at one time or another. They are DUE, and they WILL happen. In the previous line, he says, that the exact time of the events, are dependent upon the coming together of many elements. In this case, he references the needs of individuals, or groups of people, who need to fulfill some part of the scenario leading up to the final event. This can also include, the condition where the presence of certain souls are required for things to happen. Because all of these things had not come together yet, a specific time could not yet be given, for that particular question.

In the following reading by Paul Solomon we find additional information about this process of bringing together the elements of an event, which are required for it to occur. Again, this is also about letting things sort themselves out. this is not only an aspect of the happening of the event itself, but also has to do with the real interests and capacities of the persons asking the questions. Even more it has to do with the people who are affected by the answers.

Paul Solomon Reading 0850 4/4/76

Q: Certain Earth Changes predicted by Cayce have not yet occurred. Why? And what is the significance to the United States?

A: Understand, that which is set in motion by prophecy...even as it occurred in the olden time, as Jonah made the prediction concerning Ninevah for her fall, there was not great expectation in his heart, that men would change, nor that people would turn to God, nor the prophecy be averted.......

Yet, even in the mentioning of these things, there is set in motion a creative power, and determination (within people). Sheer determination can avert much of that (which ) has been predicted......

These were not mistakes, not errors on the part of the prophet, but rather given, that they might have impact upon the minds of (people), that (they) might consider these things. For the prophecies in themselves are accurate, the times are dependent upon the will, and the actions, the reactions, the thoughts, the purposes, of (people). The prophecy itself, then caused a reaction in the creativity of man, who then, by his own will, has to this point averted the change. The timetable, then depends, as well, upon response......

As He (Christ) said, "The Way is not known, even to Him who would come. The time is not set but by the believer". The actions, the reactions of those upon this plane will set the time for His coming, and the conditions of it. The changes are upon you, (and) have begun. Oft times this is not recognized.

Know this, as well, that the time of prophecy is based upon the patterns, not upon the result. That which will cause the Earth to change, happens exactly as prophesied.

In addition to the need for things to be in place, to allow for an event to happen, there is also the aspect of our own intervention. This is a very interesting, and complicated issue. As we are all connected to the ‘source’ in one way or another, we each can have an effect on what is to happen in the future through our own manipulation of the higher energies. Most people are not aware that they are doing this, but it is happening all of the time.

In this regards, we have some degree of independent action, however, certain things will eventually come about, regardless of what efforts are made to avert them. The best we can do is to put things off for a while. Sometimes even this is a part of the greater plan, but other times this will only make things worse. The future is flowing towards us like a river. We can build a dam to stop the flow, but the water will just build up behind it. Eventually the dam will burst and the river will become a deluge. While we each have some degree of power, as a group we will have even more power to affect the future. However, in the end, the divine forces will prevail. They are way beyond our capacity to manipulate, beyond a small degree.

There is another aspect of our ability to alter this flow which appears to be an inherent reaction to any outside interference. Everyone would have to notice how virtually every action they take, or suggestion they make, will be met with some kind of resistance. It is always amazing to me, that this resistance comes whether the suggestion is a positive one or negative. The first response you usually get to a new idea is NO. The same thing goes for prophecies. If you tell someone, that something is going to happen in the future, the first response is usually - no it won’t. This response can effect how, and when an event will occur.

When you give someone a specific time for the event to occur, the instinctive response will be to change it. This reaction may not be something we intentionally do, but some kind of higher energy which tries to keep a lid on things. I would call it a form which tries to keep things in status quo. It is an inherent aversion to change, which most times results in people suffering much more than they have to. Life can be much easier, if you just ‘listen’, and go with the flow.

I believe this energy is yet another reason for why some dates are not clearly given in the prophecies. The times are not revealed because if they were, attempts would be made to alter them. We are going to see a prediction by the Mother Mary, where a date is given for a major event, but it is not to be revealed until eight days before it is to occur. There are two effects to doing this. One is that, if you predict a future event, and do not give a date, the initial reaction to stop it, will not be as focused if the time for it to occur is unknown. Second, as the people hear the prediction more, and more, they become used to the idea, that it is actually going to take place. They will come to accept the event, and its consequences. At that time, a date can be given, without the concern of creating the traumatic reaction which may adversely affect it.

The subtle release of dates and times concerning the prophecies about the earth changes, may thus be a result of the divine influence to assure that they will really happen. We will see, that Cayce gives the dates, but they are misinterpreted. Nostradamus gives the dates, but they are hidden in astrological references, and vague references to the passage of millenniums. Mary gives the dates, but they are hidden in Her actions, and not in the verbal messages. This is all a result of the resistance reaction to any predetermined action, and the need to circumvent it when certain things are for the greater purpose.

This is not as deceptive as it sounds, because, for the most part, we really don’t want to hear about when these greater changes will take place anyway. Thus, the first reaction by most people, is to block it out entirely. On the other hand, it can also be a part of the higher order of things which is fully aware, that it is best not to give the dates until it is too late to change them, or they will be accepted. The final result of all of this, is a great game between chaos and order. It is almost like you have to trick people into doing the things, that need to be done. Fade to the left, then quickly move to the right. I have always found this to be an odd part of this existence.

Without Order

The sequence in which the prophecies are given, is another issue, that I think needs some clarification. In his Centuries book, Nostradamus lists his predictions in a nice orderly collection of ten 'Centuries' most of which include 100 quatrains. It would be very convenient, if his visions were presented in the order of their occurrence. However, it soon becomes apparent, they are not.

For example, quatrain X-72 gives a very clear date of 1999. Since this quatrain, is near the last of his writings, which end at X-100, one could assume, his predictions will end around the year 2000. However, quatrain X-72 is preceded with many others, indicating times well after this. In quatrain I-48 he says his predictions extend for 6880 years after his life. This would mean they would cover a time period up to 8,430 AD. Obviously, this is well beyond the 1999 date given near the end of his work.

This lack of order, applies to virtually every prophecy listed. Those of Edgar Cayce, did not come in an orderly fashion either. In a reading generated from a question about a specific time period, he might cover several different events, which may be related from his perspective, but would obviously have to happen at different times. This jumbling in the order of the prophecies, could be blamed on the aspect of time mentioned earlier. It can also be a result of the element of chaos which I also discussed. Perhaps this is all a part of the greater plan for stimulating our inquiry into the higher nature of prophecy, and thus into our own spiritual existence.

Simply Indescribable

Often times, a vision will make little sense, because we have no reference to what is seen. For example, if Nostradamus saw a guided missile, how would he describe it? There were no words in his time, to convey a description of this thing. About the best you could do, would be to describe something with a similar physical appearance, and ideally with a function like the device ‘seen’.

Sometimes with Nostradamus, I believe he was given the modern day words to describe it, but, he had a hard time putting the sounds in an alphabetic form, resembling the current spelling. In one of his verses he uses a word which means dagger, and sounds a bit like missile. Obviously, a missile looks similar to a dagger, and is used in a similar fashion, only on a larger scale. This was probably the best he could do to describe what he saw.

Not only can the physical part of the vision be difficult to put into words, there is also a cosmic nature to any event, which is the basis for another dilemma with regards to any true prophecy. What one ‘sees’ is a mix of a physical event, with the energy behind the creation of the event. The physical form, is sometimes over shadowed by the forces, that are in essence, the real cause of the event. From this perspective, the physical actions are like a symbolic representation of these higher forces. Because of this, an event does not necessarily manifest itself exactly as ‘seen’.

The transference of information, comes to you on all levels of awareness at once. The visual portion of it, is the ultimate expression of the saying; a picture is worth a thousand words. In addition to physical images, visions, are also inherently filled with symbolic representations. This condition makes things even more interesting, in that the symbols will vary depending on the background of the prophet. Nostradamus for instance, will use occult Greek, and Roman, references, in an attempt to portray the higher aspects of things. Mr. Cayce, will often use spiritual discourses, or become rather vague in his explanations, that include a reference to the nature of these ‘higher’ influences.

For myself, the epitome of a vision about these cosmic forces, was that of ‘seeing’ the Aum. Aum, is the word used in eastern religions, which emulates the sound of the universal vibration. At one time, this concept was probably a part of the Christian religion, where it appears at the end of most prayers, as Amen. In this teaching however, the meaning has been lost.

In the vision, I saw an orb like the sun. At the same time, I heard a very loud crackling ‘roar’. This ball of light was pulsating, and changing colors, like an electrified rainbow. The background was a pure black void. I could sense other energy forms there, but how can you really perceive all the energy in the universe? How could you convey, that perception to anyone else? There are no words, which can do it justice. In addition, I am sure what I saw was a symbolic representation of it, rather than the actual thing itself. Still, it is only on this 'higher' level, that one could even attempt to grasp the real nature of what Aum is.

While a vision such as this, may last only a few seconds, there is a tremendous amount of information relayed directly to the inner being. What is given, is known, and understood completely, at the moment. However, this understanding is in a ‘higher’ form. Only upon remembering the experience, is the mind able to process what was shown to the soul. In many cases, all of the information experienced, would take volumes of pages to relay. One finds the mind to be a very limited translator of cause, and effect on the higher levels.

True Prophets?

As I have pieced together the predictions, I have done my best, not to have any preconceived ideas about what the future is going to be. In fact, before this writing I would have told you, that it would be something very different from what is coming out here. You will also notice, I have not included the commonly professed Biblical, or Jewish prophecies in the main sequence. I have instead, listed them at the end of the presentation. This is not because I have anything against either of these two religions, it is mainly because, I have not personally been able to decipher anything about future events, from the major texts of these two ideologies.

Even after my vision of Jesus, and a subsequent reading of Revelations, I did not see anything in this book about age ending events. John was shown many horrible circumstances, this is true, but I did not get the feeling, these were about any specific future situations. Instead, the visions were about the knowledge of, why certain kinds of things had to happen. Some of the things he described, were similar to images I received in my own ‘opening’. Although they may have something to do with future events, it is only because these types of occurrences are naturally repetitive. Most of Revelations, I believe, is about the nature of the individual soul, and its relationship to God. These lessons are conveyed in a host of occult symbols.

Those people I have chosen to include in my research, meet the standards I have come to realize out of my own experiences. True prophecy cannot be forced. Since it is inherently a part of the spiritual experience, it will usually end up being used in that form. As such, you will find all of the prophecies included here, are laced with spiritual references. The two dominant personages I have been drawn to are, Edgar Cayce 1877 - 1945, and Michele de Nostradamus 1503 - 1566.

Mr. Cayce, was probably the most prolific, well documented, and accurate prophet in recent history. However, of the over 14,000 readings recorded, only a very small percentage of them actually concerned predictions about earth changes. Rarely, were any specific dates given for these events in his readings. Even when he did reveal a date, there still seemed to be discrepancies. Either the person recording the session did not hear it correctly, or he was unable to give the correct time in the first place.

An added dimension to the confusion around Mr. Cayce was, that all of the prophecies in his readings were in response to a question by one of his followers. If you are aware of this, you will notice how the answers are slanted towards the needs of the person asking. Thus, most times, what is given, has something more to do with a persons karma, than just fulfilling a curiosity about a future event. This applies to the readings of Paul Solomon as well.

As a person is going through the process of spiritual awakening, the prophetic experience seems to come along with it. In this context, the timing of an event, may not be as important as the fear, or desire, a person may have, about the future. For example, the ‘Judgment Day’ scenario, is drummed into everyone, by most organized religions. After being exposed to this for a few years, you cannot help but to wonder, if it is really going to happen, and what your fate is going to be when it does. Many of Mr. Cayce’s inquires, probably came out of this concern.

For some reason, most of the questions, and discourses about earth changes, came during his readings, between 1931, and 1941. This was during the rise of Adolph Hitler, and the beginning of World War II. In several cases, one could interpret the readings to say, that the pole shift, was going to take place in the years between 1932, and 1938. Or, that it was somehow connected to the impending war. This has caused many to question the validity of the earth changes readings

Personally, I believe the cataclysms he foresaw were probably correct. The dates in the readings, could have easily been confused for a number of reasons. For instance, the person for whom the reading was given, could have wanted to hear the earlier dates for some reason. They may have had an intense fear of the war, and of the possibility for, other catastrophic happenings. Those fears, could have affected everyone listening to the readings, including the person taking the notes.

In order to purge this fear, a closer date would be ‘heard’, making things a little more intense. This is how karma is ‘taken’ during the ‘opening’ process. This was a technique I was exposed to constantly, in my own cleansing. Being faced with my worst fears, only to find the actual event, was nothing compared to what I imagined it to be, or it never happened at all.

As a part of this purging, Mr. Cayce would occasionally admonish the people making these inquiries. He would remind them, that the important thing, is not to look for, or fear these cataclysms, but to seek God. What is meant to be done, will be done, and even if your physical body is destroyed, your essence, your soul, will live on. If you are looking for the ultimate guidance, seek the highest source within yourself. Walk the higher path, and you will be guided to where you are suppose to be.

There is another aspect of human nature, which effects our ability to understand the higher wisdom associated with prophecy. We are only able to absorb so much at a time. There are many occasions, when I have come before a master with a question, but when confronted by this person, I was unable to ask it. The words just didn’t come out. I have been on the other side of this situation as well. A person may come to me, and I know they are wanting some answers. But what comes out, is either something they expect it to be, or only what they are ready to receive. This is not necessarily what the truth is.

If the people at hand during Mr. Cayce’s reading, were able to deal with specific facts, and/or truths, that is what was conveyed. If they were not, then the answers would be vague, or distorted. Most masters are egoless. They essentially have no personalities of their own. They are past the concerns of most seekers. They teach, by reflecting the personalities of those who come to them. In this sense I believe that most times, Mr. Cayce was reflecting the nature of the people who were coming to him, in his answers to their inquiries.

>From a higher perspective, the future is not nearly as important, as bringing ones attention to this very moment. This is another paradox of time in the spiritual form. If you pay attention, you will see the people around you, are constantly talking about either the past, or the future. The ultimate knowledge is in the now. To ‘see’ the future, or the past, you must train yourself to pull away from the ‘thought’ of this linear aspect of events in time. To pull yourself into the center of the present.

There were also other forces, at play in the Cayce predictions. Not the least of these, was the time period in which they were given. If you remember my comparison of future events to the nature of a wave on the ocean, I believe those periods of World War I, and World War II were energy peaks, reflecting to a smaller degree, what is going to come in the future. If this is true, then during the period of 1931-41, everything would become more energized, in relation to the age ending events.

Because of this, Mr. Cayce might sense, that the final cataclysms would be happening in the near future. On the other hand, most of the dates Cayce gave for these events, were said only with the years ending numbers i.e. thirty-six (‘36), not nineteen thirty-six (1936). What if he really said, the year twenty six (20 06). As most of these readings were given the 1930's, I doubt anyone would have even thought about how you would say the year twenty - anything. Even if the recorder heard the words as twenty-six (‘26), she may have changed it to thirty-six, because the year nineteen twenty-six (1926) was in the past.

This confusion concerning the ‘30’s’ dates, is sometimes given as an example for the inaccuracy of the earth changes predictions. Another question which is often raised, has to do with the fact, that two of the spirits Mr. Cayce channeled about these things, were not believed to be Cayce’s regular connections to the higher source. Many of his followers believe, that Mr. Cayce's usual connection to the ‘source’ was solely through his own spirit. These intrusions by other souls, are therefore, not to be taken seriously.

A problem with this argument is, that in all of his readings, Cayce constantly uses the term we. As in, 'we have the body', and 'we know who is there'. He heard voices saying 'we will help you'. Unless he thinks of himself as having multiple personalities in the spirit world, there must have been several entities who were assisting him in his trances. One of these appeared to him in his first vision, as an angel asking him what he wanted to do.


As Kumar has explained it to me, we are all a part of a hierarchy of souls. It is through this lineage, we are connected to the ‘source’. We may be reincarnated together, or some will take the physical, and others stay in the spirit form to help. But, this 'group', will more, or less evolve together through time.

The fact is, that rarely, did the person asking the questions, ever ask who was speaking. It so happened, that one of the times he was asked, was during a discourse on the earth changes. In a second case, an entity stated his name, after a discourse on topics relating to earth changes. I would have no doubt, that Mr. Cayce had access to several members of his 'group'. This is common among masters, and disciples, where the group may draw on each others skills. No matter how high you go, we each have our own specific attributes. Thus, when it came to the earth changes aspect of his readings, it would be reasonable to assume, that Mr. Cayce would draw on those beings who had the most knowledge about these coming events.

Understanding the writings of Nostradamus, is not always a clear cut process either. Again, out of the over 900 quatrains in his book, only a small percentage of them, appear to be related to world age events. Besides having to sort through the whole of his works to find these few verses, there is also the problem of translation from French to English, along with deciphering the astrological, and mythological references.

However, where prophecies of the future, were not really a large part Edgar Cayce’s work, it was a major focus of Nostradamus, especially in his latter years. Night after night, he used certain techniques, designed to allow him to see images of the future. As he conjured these visions, he would probably ‘see’ one of the many waves out on the ocean. Depending on the timing of his activities, he would be able to ‘see’ certain waves more clearly than others.

For instance, if you have been in a boat on the sea, you may notice, that at times the swells seem to grow bigger, then almost fade away. They will crest as they roll along. Thus for Nostradamus, depending on when he was looking, a ‘window’ would open to one of these cresting waves. In many cases, you will notice him describing the nature of a large event, with a line about a smaller occurrence. This would be as one would describe the bigger wave, and one of the ripples on its surface.


The prophecies of Nostradamus, are founded in the ancient Greek and Roman traditions. Most of the other prophets I have included, are based in the Christian form of spirituality. Although Cayce seems to deviate from this in his readings about ancient Egypt, and Atlantis, most of the references to the predictions about the pole shift, include aspects of the Christian teachings. Because of this difference in foundation, the mystical references will be in a more occult (lost knowledge) form. Many times this can be much cleared than some of the over deified references found in modern day visions.

A second difference is, that only Nostradamus, and Malachy were not involved in a conveyance involving others. I have found no reference, that either of these two men were teaching disciples, during the period in which they derived their future predictions. Both men wrote their predictions in private, after what were essentially deep meditations. As previously mentioned, the prophetic process can be used as a teaching tool. Many times if it is given to disciples, the clarity of the forth coming events can be distorted.

Sometimes a vague, or incomplete reading is intentionally given. This tends to make the seeker want to know more. Keeping some portion of the prophecy a secret, will have the same effect. This is used to draw the seeker into more inquiry, which hopefully will keep their minds on the higher form. Because prophecy is inherently inspired by a spiritual source, some kind of higher instruction is an innate part of relaying the message. Thus, even though the influence of the presence of a disciple during a vision is not a factor in the Nostradamus writings there is still no escape from his verses being used as a tool for a higher teaching.

In one quatrain, Nostradamus actually does say, that what he was presenting, was designed to be instructive for those who wished a 'higher' knowledge.

Nostradamus, Quatrain VI-100

Quos legent hosce versus mature censunto,

Profanum vulgus & inscium ne attrectato:

Omnesq; Astrologi Blenni, Barbari procul sunto,

Qui alter facit, is rite, sacer esto.


May those who read this verse think upon it deeply

let the profane and ignorant herd keep away

Let all astrologers, idiots, and barbarians stay far off,

he who does otherwise, let him be priest to the rite.

>From the tone of this verse, he obviously does not feel this information is for everyone. It is only for those who intend to delve more deeply into the nature of his visions. This would imply, that at least some of what he has written, will only be understood by those who seriously pursue the techniques he has mastered. As one should attain to this knowledge, so they will also become priests of the rite.

I should also mention, that although I believe, the prophecies given in recent history, are very clearly about the coming new world age, this is not necessarily the case for Nostradamus. As previously discussed, his quatrains cover a time period of 7,000 years, from the time of his writings. If my interpretations of his works are correct, during this time, two asteroids, and a comet will impact the earth. One of these collisions apparently occurs around the year 3457 AD. This date is usually accepted by most translators, as the time, when he says life will end on the earth.

The problem with this interpretation is, that this is still 5,000 years before the end of the 7,000 year period his prophecies cover. It would not make any sense, if the world ended, and his predictions continued. Therefore, one would have to conclude, that some of his earth changing predictions, will happen well after what we are going to see around the year 2000. It is with this in mind, that I have attempted to pick the quatrains relating to only the near future events. His verses have proven to be the backbone, around which I have correlated the other visions, and prophecies.

All of the prophecies I am using, are well known. There is nothing new, other than some of my own experiences relating to the nature of visions. I do not believe, that any one individual will have all of the answers about what is to come. The whole picture can only be seen through its many parts. Different parts of the puzzle, will be given to different prophets. In this regards, if you can accept the concept of a universal God, or, that one divine being is behind the creation of this universe, then you must also accept, that these different views are also a part of everything He created.

I realize, that what I have stated in this chapter may not provide you with any better understanding of prophecy than you had before. Instead, it might even have added to your confusion about this phenomena. The gift of prophecy is not a mental process. The best we can hope to achieve on this level, is just a general idea of what is involved. Even if you should have the experience yourself, it is not a guarantee, that you will be able to make heads, or tails of someone else’s visions. The best we can hope for, is an awareness of the scope of this form of communication, as we study the messages which have been given.

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