October 24, 1999 |
October 30, 1999 |
November 14, 1999 |
Rahn's Response to Paul Solomon Source
Readings Prophecies |
December 9, 1999 |
January 13, 2000 |
March 9, 2000 |
April 30, 2000 |
June 30, 2000 |
August 6, 2000 |
September 20, 2000 |
May 12, 2001 |
May 14, 2001 |
July 20, 2001 |
September 11, 2001 |
Survival Updates September 14, 2001 |
Survival Updates September 20, 2001 |
October 24, 1999
Interesting news in this month's Nature magazine.
It has been recently discovered that the land in the Calabrian Peninsula is rising. This
is essentially the southern tip of Italy. This area is east and a little north of Mt.
Etna. It is likely that this is a precursor to the land shifts in Sicily predicted by
Cayce and Nostradamus. It is believed that this all has something to do with the movement
of the African technonic plate into Europe.
As I previously mentioned the land is rising in the area of Vesuvius as well. This I
believe is a precursor of the gigantic eruption which is to take place after the movement
in Sicliy also predicted by both of these prophets.

October 30, 1999
More on Sicily - It seems as though Northern Sicily and the tip of Italy
rests on the convergence of the African, and Tyrrhenian tectonic plates, which meet over
something called the Ionian slab. It is believed that the edges of the plates and the slab
are being forced down into the earth's lower mantel. The areas over this convergence were
initially forced up have since broken away from the solid structure of the plates and the
slab, which means they are floating on molten material. The downwards motion of the plates
and the slab have now created a low pressure point below this land (essentially a suction
point). It is this molten material which is escaping through the formation of Mt.. Etna.
There are numerous fractures of the land in northern Sicily which is believed to be where
the lava flows to this mountain. It could very well be that some kind of shift will result
in this land sinking.
Solar Activity - It has been determined that the sun does indeed vary in
output through the solar flare cycles. Longer term variances are undetermined although it
is believed that the 1990's have produced the hottest average temperatures in the last 2
millenniums. There is still dispute on how much the variance in solar output has
contributed to the global warming. According to Cayce it is the absorption of radiation by
the earth's inner structure which contributes to the earth changes. Unfortunately, we may
never be able to quantify this. It is known that there have been periods in the past where
there have been high concentrations of CO2 which no doubt also produced a warming effect.
No doubt that we are contributing to this but other forces may be at play as well. A
general warming will cause more fires on the surface which will produce more CO2. It may
also produced a rise in the earth's inner temperatures which would cause more thermals
against the technonic plates and more volcanoes. This will also produce more CO2 through
eruptions and cause shifts in the earth's crust.
Osama bin Laden - Some believe that bin Ladin has connections with the
military who has recently taken over Pakistan. If so he now has connections to a nuclear
power. The recent talks proposed by the Taliban are believed to be a stall tactic.
Pole Shift - It is likely that there will be two poles shifts. One
magnetic, and one physical. It is now theorized that magnetic reversals are caused by
shifts in the earth's mantel as well as mechanisms in the core. It could very well
be that the effects of increased temperatures could produce a reversal in the upper

November 14, 1999
OSAMA BIN LADEN continues to make the news with the UN and US demands that
he be turned over on Nov 14 or Afghanistan is to face sanctions. It is
evident that the recent rally of 300,000 Islamic militants in Pakistan, and
the out break of bombings targeting the UN, and American facilities there is
an effort to rally the people of that country against the US and the UN.
This is no doubt an effort to bring Pakistan in to the cause with
Even more important is a response by the Taliban to the UN demands. Their
recent message to the US is that if sanctions are put on Afghanistan the
world will be rocked by severe storms and earthquakes. I believe this
position is the beginning of what I predicted in Chapter 6 about bin Laden's
use of the coming catastrophes as a sign that God is on his side. It may
even come to pass that he will be seen as a prophet in the eyes of Islam in
this regards. This is particularly relevant to the Nostradamus 1999
quatrain, which if I am correct makes the connection between bin Laden and
the terror of destruction associated with the hurricanes, and typhoons which
will probably keep growing in intensity.
Upon meditating on this individual I have found him to be a very powerful
soul. It is his nature to foster 'instigate' hostilities. This is an
energy which one can easily get caught up in. While you may find this
difficult to believe, this energy can also manifest in physical form.
Severe storms and earthquakes can be released with this energy, if one knows
how to master it.
So we may be faced with a question here as to whether bin Laden is aware
enough to create these things, or he is simply aware of the prophecies
himself and has chosen to begin using them. As I also mentioned in Chapter
6, it may make no difference whether this is a conscious act on his part or
not. I believe his role has been ordained from a higher force and is a
necessary part of the end times. He in this light is simply the instrument
to shake up our complacency.
As you watch things begin to intensify in this regards, I would suggest that
you try to avoid being caught up in this hostile energy. It could very well
lead you to be consumed by the darker side of things. You will have to rise
to meet it with an opposite force of Light.
IRAN has also made the news, with the arrest of 13 Jews for spying. The US
is taking a wait and see what this is all about stance. The US may end up
in a neutral position in the face of a rising cause against Israel which
will probably result in more of this kind of action by the Muslim countries.
Also, watch for a growing union between Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Syria in
a cause against Israel and the US. Iraq and Sudan are already there.
FLUCTUATIONS IN THE EARTH'S CORE are in this weeks Nature. A vortex has
been determined to exist at the earth's poles which leads to an uplift of
the core material at the northern pole. Anomalies in the movement of the
earth's core to the crust have also been discovered. This could be a
verification of the Cayce predictions about shifts in the earth's crust as a
result of movements with in the earth's core.
If the core is truly moving out of sync with the crust, something will have
to give.
TIDAL WAVES - I have recently seen a number of news items on the effects of
disruptions in the ocean floor which would cause tidal waves. This is a
fact and is something we should be aware of when the crust shifts begin.
Both Cayce and Solomon predict land rising and falling in the ocean areas
before the pole shift. If this should occur there will be huge tidal waves
generated. Coastal areas all over the world will be at risk. This should
begin in the next two years.
BE PREPARED - I would strongly recommend that you begin to think about
taking action on the recommendations given in the Virgin Mary messages. You
should have 2 to 4 years to prepare as of now. She suggests that people
move away from all coastal areas. I would also include any major rivers as
well. Also any flood plains or other low lying areas. Any major shifts in
the earth's crust may cause dams to break. Severe rains will cause low
lying areas to flood. Look for higher areas with good run off.
Also, storing food and water in your house may not be the best. This will
do you no good if your house is destroyed by earthquakes, fire or water.
All the prophecies say that those who will survive will live in caves. This
could also include underground dwellings. In the end I believe this will be
the best alternative. At the least store your provisions outside of your
house in a buried storage area or root cellar.

Rahn's Responses to the two Paul Solomon Source Prophetic
Armageddon, John Peniel,
Second Coming & May 5, 2001
More on John Peniel, Second Coming, Hall of Records & May 5, 2001
The postings in mentioned in your newsletter were very timely. They talked
about two things which are to come next. What my next two chapters are about. There will
be a meteor explosion over America some time in the next year. On May 5, 2001 there will
be what Mary calls the Day of Grace. Everyone will see God, or Jesus or whoever they
believe God to be.
From what I can tell there will be a great light associated with both of these events. I
also believe that the 2001 date will be the time of the magnetic pole reversal of the
earth. I have also been told that this day of the Great Miracle could happen in April of
2001, or that we should be prepared to leave at that time.
The planetary alignments have happened many times before with nothing traumatic happening.
I doubt anything will happen of significance on May 5 2000 either.
One thing that was a little unclear from the source is that there are to be two impacts.
The first will be the meteor in the next year or so, and the second will be a comet.
Nostradamus also mentions that three princes will come together to try to stop the impact
of one of these objects. I believe it would have to be the first one. As the source sees
the Armageddon battle as an on going process, the stopping of this war during this attempt
to stop the meteor is not at a time of the WWIII conflict but before the real fighting
Nostradamus says that the final battle will rage while the second object (comet) is first
seen entering the solar system. It is unlikely that there will be any scientific
determination that this object will strike the earth (unless they read the prophecies).
It's coarse will be altered as it rounds the sun and will come at us out of the sun which
is impossible for us to detect at this time. When this object impacts it will blot out the
sun, or should I say overwhelm it as the source indicates.
This will be the event which will end the war at Armageddon as it is understood in the
literal sense. The date for this to occur as given by Mary and Nostradamus is May 13,
2007. So now you have the big picture.

More To Come . . .
Rahn Heart