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The Paul Solomon
Source Readings . . .

the Early Prophecies from
1972 - 1976

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"How Should We Prepare for the Earth Changes, What Skills Should Be Developed?"

Source:  It becomes more and more necessary to learn to live with less. Learn to acquire for the self the necessities, set aside luxuries. Such philosophies best be undertaken, even now in the thoughts of those who would serve the greater purpose.

Why not study, look back upon the warning of Joseph to the pharaoh of Egypt, saying, "You’ve had a period of plenty, now set aside for the period of famine."   So it must be in this time, the warnings that each should have a bit of ground on which to grow his food. The economy will collapse.  It will do you little good to have here or there an accumulation of wealth, of money, of stocks, even property unless it would grow food, for times come in just that way.

But the greater message that you will give is not for building of consciousness. For one who will have such attunement in that time will stand out like a lighthouse.   Learn the skills as will make for the abilities to live with little.  Learn to think of self as being strong and reliant under such conditions and build toward it, not hoarding for the self but ever looking for ways to make for the greater comfort of those who suffer in these times, for many, many will.

Now, there are still some years for the development of the conditions we speak of, but if the warning be not given now, the building toward these could not be accomplished.

Teach the children, teach people to enjoy and appreciate this earth and her beauty, the false things built by man do fade, they are not empty platitudes. Set your value on the things of value, lest the things of true value be stripped away during the times of your scrapping for a bit of this and that of little value.

Develop in these ways and let others know, not as prophets of doom crying out warnings and preaching fear, but those who possess a great, great wealth within and have no fear of the changes that come. Speak in that attitude, that manner, and in that way men will listen.

April 30, 1975

© 1994, Paul Solomon Foundation

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