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The Paul Solomon
Source Readings . . .

the Early Prophecies from
1972 - 1976

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"Why Are We Entering These Times of Earth Changes?"

Source:  The time is on you when man, who have been self satisfied so long, must, by Eternal and Universal Law, meet a time when he will be crying out for a greater strength. Those of you, who have recognized these times coming, bear with you the responsibility for being strong during those times.

There has never yet, in all of history, been a period of plenty not followed by a period of famine. The plenty has come, you have lived through these times and few among you have prepared for the famine.

Let those who have ears to hear, let them hear and know and be prepared, be prepared to be of assistance to those who have been blind and will be crying out in the days to come. For you have not even seen the beginning of what it will be as you complain, fear the prices and shortages and such.  These are but the shadow passed before the coming days of need. We warn you that you might be strong, for in this time one who has attunement to the Master will find about him a host of those who seek.

Be prepared. Arm yourselves in this time with the Word, with the Presence that you might be of service, especially in the healing.  For the healing powers, that are known now, will fail.  The time comes quickly when the healing hand of one who loves will do far more than the physician can hope to accomplish.

And that healing hand will be developed through the meeting together humbly, kneeling before the Master, lifting the hands aloft and saying, "Bless these, make these the hands of a healer, make them the hands of the servant."

Then don’t go out and use them for other things not consistent with His cause, but dedicate them to the Master, make them the hands of the healer. Know as often as you touch one in love, he’ll respond, feeling  warmth and appreciation.  He will be lifted, often not even knowing where the comfort came from, though you’ve touched him, you see.

April 30, 1975

© 1994, Paul Solomon Foundation

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