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Paul Solomon
Source Readings Excerpts

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Prayer of Acceptance

Note: This is not actually a Source Reading, but was written by Paul as referenced in the Source Reading - Purposeful Self Talk.

"Imagine accepting all individuals and all situations in the world just as they are, without wishing they were different. When you love life just as it is, when you accept every aspect of it without wishing it were different, Life is what you get. You receive liveliness, and you expand, grow and prosper. Your prosperity manifests in wealth beyond money - wealth in material success, relationships, friends, professional success, love, health, wisdom, peace and happiness.

When you do not approach life with the energy of love and acceptance, when you resist what happens, you get to live in a world of shoulds - judgments imposed upon reality. You get to be angry because everything is not as it should be. Life is not fair.

Forget fairness in the game of life. Life is what it is, and if you welcome that, you get to prosper and grow. If not, those aspects of life that you resist and deny will hurt you. You get to live with pain and poverty. This discussion of prosperity is not about getting what you want out of life. It is about truth. Truth is what is. If, instead of struggling to get what you want out of life, you will begin wanting what you already get out of life, life will work effectively in your best interest. And this universe is designed in such a way that whatever is in your best interest is in the best interest of every other being on the planet. If you are willing to enjoy and appreciate everything in your life, you will be amazingly prosperous. God will supply your every need, far better than you ever dreamed possible.

Repeat often, “I give to all people the right to be exactly as they are. No one has to change a thing for me. I accept life exactly as it is without wishing it were different. I am in harmony with the source of life, and so I accept life as it comes. At the same time, I accept personal responsibility to encourage, uplift and empower the people around me, to create and recreate harmony wherever I see the need.”

Written by Paul Solomon 2/15/88

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