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Paul Solomon
Source Readings Excerpts

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Highest of the Mysteries, Part III

You have been given times of return in this Earth that are twelve. It is said that the Master of Masters Himself took thirteen times. Thirteen lifetimes of return to this Earth, to accomplish His work as a Master of Masters and yet that thirteen should be interpreted as meaning three times a Master, three times of walking as an initiate among you. The times of Hermes, of Enoch and of the one Jeshua, who become the incarnation of the Christ.

Now you have returned these twelve times, in twelve bodies, in twelve schools as it were, and this may be the time of completion, if you give your body as the one of whom we have spoken, Mother Theresa, has given her body. What you must accomplish in this time for the completion of the cycles of incarnation is that your hands do what she has done. That your consciousness do what she has done. If you can emulate her and not worship her, both as the Christ, Jesus, and as the Christ, Mother Theresa, for she is the embodiment of that one of your Earth at that time, learn if you would learn, learn from her.

You have been taught the Mysteries, but He has said, "I will teach you a higher Mystery. I will teach you a new Mystery," he said as He came as the Christ.

And he spoke those words that are the words of true Mystery, "If a man ask for your coat, give him your coat and shirt, and if a man ask you to walk with him a mile, walk with him two, and if one is in need and suffering then know that as you give him a piece of bread or a drink of water in My Name, so you have done it unto Me."

And so you are Me when you have done My Work. Such is what He taught. Do understand the fourteenth chapter of John and know that he was saying "As you eat of the bread, take of the wine and of the water, so you resurrect a body that can be filled with that nature of the Christ."

As He was and as you do so, you become all that a human can be. For you become the Christ Himself incarnate and this is the Highest of the Mysteries, this is the truest of initiation when you release self and fall into His arms.

Then give yourself to the doing of the work as she has done, serving the poorest of the poor, so you have served the Master. You will have resurrected His Body, His Life and you will have completed your karma and your purpose in this School of the Mysteries.

As those who are of the star born came to this humble planet upon which His feet trod, this small planet that would be insignificant among the stars, yet the Earth is a shrine within the Universe, because His feet walked here. Yet also was He crucified on this planet and yet again He was resurrected. How many times resurrected was He, only once. Only once is required that this become a very altar itself among the stars.

And yet not only once must He be resurrected, but He must be resurrected in you. And only then has your body turned from that of the red earth, the red clay, the Adamic body into the body of the Christ. So giving your body until there is no room for self, but until you become the servant, picking up as it were the broom, the mop, the dustbin and serving the poorest of the poor, giving your life in such a way, so shall you master all of the lessons of the twelve schools and complete the cycles of return until you make manifest Him and His Life, the Presence of the Christ.

Be responsible yourself for His Resurrection, be the Resurrection and life. Learn to say: "I am the Resurrection and the Life." Learn to say as Peter said, "Silver and Gold have I none, but such as I have I give to thee, In the Name of Christ, stand up and walk." (Acts 3:6)

Have you not the healing power that He had, have you not the miracle power that He had. If you would discover you must give yourself in service of the same nature, of the same kind and of the same quality as she, who has proved to the world that Christ lives, even in this day and in this time.

And the Christ is taken down from the cross and elevated into His position from suffering servant to crowned king. Then you can learn from Theresa in who the Christ is alive and does His Work in this time. There are no greater miracles done by Jesus Himself, than are being done by this one who is shortly to leave your plane. So be quickly about it and touch her presence and carry on her work so that it does not die. So that it ever lives in a new generation and another because you picked up the challenge of her work. Let her be the model, the form, even the guru, the master teacher if you must have one. But let it not be in the teaching of Roman Catholicism, but rather the teaching of Living Love of which she is the living Master in this day and in this time.

So be it. So let it be.

Reading #1406

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