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Paul Solomon
Source Readings Excerpts

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The Cripple at the Gate Beautiful

Yes, we have this body and the records and witnesses of the relationship with the Universal Forces. There was often for this one the use of the name Michael and should be used throughout this lifetime. For the reason that the purpose of this incarnation was to repay that that was considered a debt by this entity after the lifetime in Greece when there was the visitation at the gate called Beautiful by the Apostles. It would be remembered in this lifetime that this one was a cripple, without the use of the legs that were shriveled and drawn, and was sitting by the Beautiful Gate begging alms. As the Apostles passed into the gate, this one called out to the Apostles for the alms. The reply then was given by the Apostle Peter to this one as he touched him saying, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I unto thee. In the name of the Christ, rise up and walk." And it was seen that this one went his way rejoicing, and often did the great works even in that day for the Christ. But there was felt there, at the end of this lifetime, that there had not been the balance, that there had not been the repaying of the debt. And there was the period, even in this lifetime, when this one, who in that lifetime was called Michael, searched for the Apostle, and would have given himself as man-servant, as bond slave to that Apostle for the purpose of serving him in that lifetime for the repaying of that which was considered the debt. 

And there was entered upon this plane in this lifetime that intention of repaying this debt. But we would see this and would give in this manner: That none would serve another man of this plane, but the two would serve the most high, the Christ in whose Name this miracle was performed even in that day, and should be relived even in this time that the two would rejoice together having found one another. And the repaying of the debt is the recognition of the debt and the giving of thanks to Him who did the work, Him who was on the inner planes, Him who was the manifestation of the Christ Force. And there would be that joyous reunion of these two from that period and the realization of serving Him who did the great work.

Reading #105, 1/5/73

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