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Paul Solomon
Source Readings

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More on Life Purpose

Question: Please instruct me in what my life purpose is according to His Will.

Answer: First understand that your life purpose is the life purpose of any soul entering this plane. There is no difference in life purpose. The one purpose is to grow into maturity as God, a child God growing to be what the Father is. That is the souls purpose to manifest in a life. Then to meet that ideal, every soul will set lifetime goals for itself to be accomplished in entering in an incarnation.

The goal, the method of application for this soul in this time might best be seen in this manner: You have produced for yourself an opportunity to reveal the power of the Christ in producing change within self and assisting others through that change. Your goal in this time for expressing the Christ is service. Service in such ways as will lift the weak ones to greater strength. You are especially prepared for that task and have been in this time in these ways.

First, quite deliberately, you produced for yourself an instrument of weakness. You created for yourself this lack, this limitation, this weakness as a point of reference for change and growth for yourself. As you begin to gain greater strength, use those opportunities to serve others for useful purposes and recognize your usefulness. Find Christ living within you. So your purpose becomes the sharing of that.

Not that you would be the servant to masters, teachers, luminaries and those who have little need of a servant, but rather in standing strong, straight and tall.   Show confidence in your very movements, show poise and the finish of that the Master can make you. Begin already to see that as an ideal to the moment.

Then expressing that ideal, expressing that confidence, watch, look and see those who come confused, afraid. Those who are convinced that there is little that they can do.  Those who see themselves with little worth, little value to contribute. Who better can assist them than you when they come. But how would you assist at all until that greater change is manifest in you. Let it be seen in your very posture, in your carriage, in the confidence of your face and your hands, in your dress.

There is much yet to be learned in displaying such a Christ Presence. But let your presence become seen and known as an exemplary temple for the indwelling of the Christ Spirit. For teaching is best by example, by knowing what you have been and what you have made.  Prepare yourself as a temple and prepare to share those changes until your life, in the meeting of your ideal goal, becomes testimony in itself for that purpose in which  you came in this time.

#961, 7/1/77, Given to a person attending the "40-days in the Wilderness Retreat"

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