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Paul Solomon
Source Readings

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Contacting the Deceased

Question: My mother is deceased. Is there any way that I can get in touch with her?

Answer: Should you wish to contact one who is in another place, or one who is in another dimension—one who has left the physical—you need only know the law of names and the image.

See the face. Hold it in your consciousness. And call the name again and again, as if it were a mantra. So will the intelligence, the recognition, the soul-recognition respond to the name. And you may attract the presence, and a response, should you have a genuine need to ask a question.

At the same time, be aware that while you may love those who have gone on, who have graduated from this plane to the next class or school, they should not be called back—except in those times when there is a sense within you that there is a need for completion, a need for a release, a need for finishing your relationship with appreciation and with fondness.

Do not call their attention back to what they have left behind, lest you turn their consciousness away from the higher expression, away from the higher learning and seeking to which they have gone. In some instances, the calling on one for a particular piece of information or for an assurance that they are faring well can be justified. But do not hold these ones bound to this plane when they have gone on.

Allow your love to be a love that is complete, that releases the soul, and does not cause it to feel bound to your needs and attention in this time. Love enough to let go.

Reading 9603

© 1994, Paul Solomon Foundation

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