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Paul Solomon
Source Readings

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Events Following the Crucifixion

Upon the events following the crucifixion, the most critical event was the murder of James the Apostle.  He had boldly established a commune, or a spiritual family living together, having all things in common, and established it in Yarushalayim. 

For at the time of the crucifixion of that Master, the Essene Community, for all practical purposes had disbanded and had reformed.  The word Essene, as we have spoken, means "pregnant" or "expectant."  These communities were established in expectation of the birth of the Messiah within their communities.   However, for those of the Essenes who accepted Jesus the Christ as the manifestation of the Messiah, they believed that the word "Essene" was no longer appropriate or valid.  Their communities were built in expectation of the coming of the Messiah and then having, in their minds, experienced the arrival, the ministry and the life of the Messiah, they felt the appropriate expression was no longer an expression which meant the pregnant people, those expectant of the birth of the Messiah. The Messiah, having been born, the word, the title, the term, the expression, Essene, became redundant to these as they went out to establish communities for a new purpose.

Those who were followers of the Christ, believing Him to have been the Messiah, set about the establishment of new communities to carry the next step of the work as they saw it. And in doing so, set up communities which were later called "Maranatha," rather than "Essene."  It is a Greek term, transliterated from Hebrew by the Apostle Paul to mean "seeking now or pregnant now with the expectation of the return."  Those who had been Essenes were new Essenes in the sense of the new term "Maranatha."

So that as the term "Essene" spoke of the initial coming or the establishment of the Messiah, "Maranatha" spoke of the expectation of the return of the Messiah.  And spoke in these terms meant that He who came as a suffering servant would return in the other side of His incarnation as crowned king. Suffering Servant - Crowned King. These being the mirror opposites as would be expected of the mechanics of karma.  At the same time, many of these were aware that the expectation of the Second Coming had a higher purpose and meaning than simply experiencing the cause/effect relationship of karma.  That it was suggesting that one who mastered life as a suffering servant would obviously, under the Laws of Karma, return as a crowned king. From the point of view of karma, this was the purpose of the communities.

At the same time, these communities largely abandoned the concept of karma, accepting instead the Law of Grace.  They formed communities in many ways similar to those of the Essenes, but these became called of the Greek term, "Ecclesia." Rather than Essene village, Essene family, or Essene community, this became "Maranatha Ecclesia."  And of the first of these, the Apostle James was the founder, the leader, the father, the patriarchal figure, the master of the school, the father of the house and family.

The people of this sect of Judaism adopted an expression from those who referred to them as "Little Christs." Thus at Antioch, the term that you now pronounce, "Christian," was originated.

This event occurred after the death, the murder of James. That expression "Little Christ" or "Christian," was unknown to you (this seeker).  You had left Yarushalayim in a great trek across the ocean to a distant land where, in your business of the time, you had established a mining and shipping company providing merchandising of tin. Thus you rescued, as it were, those who were threatened, following the murder of James. Those who remained of that Holy Family, as it was known, sailed with you.

Now in the days of the establishment of that community we refer to, mastered by James, you had an alliance as a supporter or patron. You were, in fact, quite wealthy in that time, lived in a place called in Hebrew tongue Ramala or rendered from the Aramaic, Arimathea, as the Greeks called it, Ari-ma-thea. And you acted as patron of the community for the purpose of its establishment and were a father figure of sorts, but second certainly to James. And not in a sense a master of the school or a teacher of it, but a patron.

Yet, at the time of the death of James, you took a new role with regard to these who existed in that community. And these two things occurred. There were those who were sent out as far and as widely as possible at that time. Many of them, a great number,  ninety-three precisely in number, were ordained and called Holy Women. They were, in that time, called the Holy Women of Yarushalayim.  They were sent out for the purpose of establishing hidden safe houses, or waystations.  These were established throughout Palestine, extended into Egypt and throughout the Roman and Greco-Roman empire or sphere of influence.

These waystations, or safe houses, were marked over the door with the marking of the fish monger so that these waystations, or safe houses, in fact, sold fish. This was, of course, a ruse, a disguise.  For the marking above the door of the sign of the fish monger was a code to those of the new faith that these might be recognized as safe houses, or waystations, cared for by the Holy Women.  In some cases, couples or families, established, held, and maintained the waystations, safe houses.

The way stations, or safe houses, were most often given to authority of ,or operated, by women. Then there were the establishment of way stations, safe houses and centers of communal living or common living, those holding all things in common. These became the basis of what were much later called churches, but hardly resembled that called churches in this time.

You gathered those who were most important to the movement and, at the same time, most threatened by the enemies of the movement, the occupational Romans and Orthodox Jews, and took them away leaving the work primarily in the care of the Apostle John.  Though both Peter and Paul were very much a part of the work, Peter throughout Palestine, Paul in the world of Grecian influence under Rome, and Thomas in Egypt.

Your departure was not made for the purpose specifically of establishing such way stations, or even of spreading the ministry or teaching,  or the establishment of the sect.  The purpose was to take these of the Holy Family to a place of safety in a distant land where these two particular enemies were not in control, nor were they aware of this movement.

Now you actually took upon yourself a commission given to the Apostle John.  For it was spoken of  Jesus directly to John the Beloved in his saying, "See to the care of my mother." Now the conditions were such that John the Beloved had fallen into the hands of the Romans at that time. As James was murdered, so John was taken in bonds, in captivity and removed from Palestine by force. He was exiled to the isle of Patmus where he took with him only a trusted scribe and a young child, a boy who insisted on accompanying him there and was a servant, a student.

Since John was indisposed and unable to meet the expectation of caring for the mother of Jesus, you took it upon yourself because you had the means and were requested by him to take that task as your own. It required you leave behind and simply abandon a life of wealth, of comfort, of prestige and such.

Though you were already identified with the sect, you were in that time too powerful to be threatened directly yourself. Yet you chose to give up your home, your safety, your business, your income, your belongings, aside from that which you could take.  You took as much of a treasury as you could amass for the purpose of caring for these whom you rescued, but not for the purpose of establishing for yourself a great house or comfortable life.

And yet you took a considerable treasure with you on the ships as you departed Palestine. And having taken a treasury of two kinds, that that the Earth and material world finds of value and that that was the divine expression of God on Earth in the female who was the mother who had given birth while virgin. You took her then as a Holy Cup, a Sacred Grail, and with her those who remained of the family of Jesus the Christ, and departed for the shores of the northern islands (Great Britain).

9315, 7/20/90

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