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Paul Solomon
Source Readings Excerpts

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Soul Urge and Soul Purpose

Q: Please describe the remaining karma I have to overcome to complete my life purpose. What is my mission this lifetime?

A: Let us begin with a consideration of these factors, that there can be said to be a soul urge, and a soul purpose, a life urge, and a life purpose. These being interrelated, but not necessarily specifically the same.

Let us compare them in this manner, for the soul enters in this time with a strong memory that is carried as a sense, a feeling, an urge, that is related to soul urge and life urge.

The soul purpose is a mission of the completion karma and the wholeness of self of which we shall speak further. The life purpose being essentially one with soul purpose and the urge coming from the memory of how this completion has been accomplished in an earlier time.

For the most specific imprint on the soul is an imprint of memory of the time of study in the school of Pythagoras in Greece, in the time when there was a development of a school for the expression of potential of the whole being. A school for the perfection of the mind, the body, the spirit, and more. The development of character, of what might be called an altruistic nature, a school of leadership, and of initiation.

This one functioned, for a great time, as a personal assistant, or associate, of the great Teacher Pythagoras, and saw the potential of such a school, but was present at the time when the school became a threat to the politicians of the time. And was a witness to the burning of this great school, the destruction of the library, and the loss of the life of that Teacher.

The experience of that destruction marked the soul, producing what we have referred to as an imprint on consciousness built by a determination that such a school should be revived, built by a commitment within the self to the resurrection of such a teaching.

So the soul entered in this lifetime giving self little opportunity for conventional education, following instinct and intuition to train the self for effectiveness, to the extent that such former training could be brought to the surface, brought to the mind. Had it not been for the genius trained into the mind at that time, the soul would have had little possibility of rising to the height that has been accomplished in this lifetime.

Then the urge of the soul and the urge of the life, to reintroduce, to resurrect such a school of wholeness remains, and to be among the Initiates of such an opportunity.

As to remaining karma, we would express it in this way. That the soul knows well from that experience that the completion and the wholeness of the soul lies in the acceptance of self in perfection. The discovery of the worthiness of the vessel of the expression of perfect love.

And this one, in the pursuit of perfection, and in the urge to stimulate perfection in others, has gained a great deal of recognition, acceptance, approval, and admiration. If there is remaining karma, it is in the completion of this confidence in self in the acceptance of perfection of the vehicle for the expression of the perfect love which casts out fear. That might well be said that the completion of karma is in the taking of that step of Initiation. The completion of a soul.

Reading 9206 3/22/88

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